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Beat your highscore challange- how to join?

hanhtranvietnam Posts: 14 Level 2

How can I join this challenge?? I have finished all levels and dont know the rule to participate! Anyone plz help!! Thank you

Best Answer

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓

    @hanhtranvietnam Hi Again, I already answered this in the discussion forum. you need to beat your weekly score for the amount of levels passed. As you are at the end of the map you have only the released levels today to complete. you need to look at your ranking for levels complete to see if it is possible for you to do, but if not then you will not be able to participate in this feature.

    My weekly record is 125 so for me if i was on last level i would not be able to participate as impossible to do 125levels in a weekly release

    Thank you


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