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💻📱📅 How many levels are in Candy Crush Saga? Information per platform (2020 & 2021)



  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,232
    edited February 2021

    @Pounawea Finished this week's 45 levels on Thursday. totally enjoyed the experience. The boards were a mixture of hard, tactical and fun challenges. I found 8722 ridiculously hard but got through it with the help of boosters. 8729 was a fun level.

    What can I say about the frogs. Some great boards with Freddo as the target. 8725 was a tactical challenge to get the target 6 frogs. 8736 was a fun frog level. 8753 was excellent and the pick of the 45 levels, 8759, had it all in chasing the frog target.

    My only criticism, and it is minor, is again the overuse of impregnable licorice bars and the boring, rigid Rainbow Rapids levels, with 8737 being the worst.

    Congratulations to the Game Studio on a faultless 45 new releases.

  • @Origins7_Dale Well said totally agree with you 👋 I mentioned the below in a previous post of mine.

    Since you only get *1 Attempt on your first play of the level for a "Golden Crown", it means a loss, can only be corrected, by winning the level with "Sugar Stars", if you want the "Diamond Trophy" for that episode. So this makes things more difficult for the player, who does want his / her trophy, but lost the opportunity, because of a mistake by the King Studio.

  • @Origins7_Dale, you're right on level 8502 with the 9 squares. I played that level countless times and do not come close to achieving Sugar Stars.

    The other level that had a glitch was 8632. The level has changed so much that getting SS also impossible. Replayed that countless times also.

    I've lost Diamond Trophies mostly due to poorly designed levels. I had a Win Streak of over 250 and lost it due to "OOPS"

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Hello, Candy Crushers!

    Hope you are all having a great week so far.

    Today is Wednesday... and that means... new levels coming soon!

    Are you guys ready?! 🙌 🥳

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Dear Candy Crushers,

    @Origins7_Dale Really appreciate your post.

    Please know that we will keep working hard to keep improving the game overall. We will always work to bring fun & faultless levels to the game and, at the same time, challenging & exciting levels.

    On today's release, we are going to introduce a new in-game feature as well! (Win10 players only, for now) and we are really hoping you will enjoy it!

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Dear Candy Crusher,

    The new levels of the week have been released!!

    I'll be sharing all the details below!

    Happy crushing everyone! 🍬🍬

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511
    edited February 2021

    Dear Candy Crushers!

    New episodes have been released in Candy Crush Saga! 🥳

    How many levels do we have in the game? Today, February 3rd, we have... Let's check out the different Candy Crush Saga Levels per platform:

    • Facebook and mobile (Android, iOS and Amazon devices): 8720 Levels, 582 episodes
    • Win10: 8810 Levels, 588 episode

    Today we are releasing a new feature in Candy Crush Saga: the Bonbon Blitz! ❇️ 🍪 🍬

    When does the Bonbon Blitz appear in my game?

    The Bonbon Blitz will appear from level 8766. Check out all the information HERE

    Community Recommendations:

    • Valentine's Celebrations in Candy Crush Saga! ❤️ HERE!
    • 🏆🥇 Win Gold Bars and exclusive Community badges HERE!

    We'll be looking forward to reading your feedback & episode ratings!

    Have a delicious day and happy crushing!! 🍬🍬

  • Hi @Pounawea @Glenn1972 @Albert_Heinrich @Peter_Tornaros @Scooterpie & The Rest Of The Group,

    Your answer on my *Page 81 post below.

    From *Page 81 Post CM @Pounawea:

    • Dear Candy Crushers,
    • @Origins7_Dale Really appreciate your post.
    • Please know that we will keep working hard to keep improving the game overall. We will always work to bring fun & faultless levels to the game and, at the same time, challenging & exciting levels.


    Not what I was expecting. It is great that the Studio is trying to improve the game. But this doesn't answer my questions on losses from previous mistakes made by the Studio.

    The issue is about the players losses, & how will the Studio Compensate the player for that loss?

    As @Albert_Heinrich mentioned & confirmed, after replaying:

    From @Albert_Heinrich *Page 81 post:

    • you're right on level 8502 with the 9 squares. I played that level countless times and do not come close to achieving Sugar Stars.
    • The other level that had a glitch was 8632. The level has changed so much that getting SS also impossible. Replayed that countless times also.
    • I've lost Diamond Trophies mostly due to poorly designed levels. I had a Win Streak of over 250 and lost it due to "OOPS"


    I have also replayed them, with the same result. Including the lower levels I mentioned. So we need an answer on how to get our losses back.

    Even if the Studio released 5 new boosters for us, it still doesn't recover the losses we had.

    Btw, the Bonbon Blitz you mentioned, is a *Blocker, until you release it after 4 moves. It is is also a *Move User, because of the requirements on 4 Hits to activate it. Think this is the 1st x I have seen a booster released for Saga in years. Great stuff of course, but back to the issue please.

    I gave a solution on this.

    I Said:

    • Reset the level, so the player can replay, & be given his / her opportunity for a "Golden Crown"!
    • Compensation. A really irritating issue with me. The Studio messed up, so why must the player pay for it?

    So is the Studio going to accept my solution or not?


    On *Compensation I will give an example on this. On the *Soda side, the CM's add to the players accounts on losses, it might be *Boosters or *Gold, or both, on just about a daily basis. I am not talking about the Game Experts only, but any player who had a legit loss.

    They clearly believe in fairness, & recognize that when the Studio messes up, it cost the player on playing the game. Can't say enough good things about them, not just because I work for them, but because of their actions on repairing or fixing mistakes made.

    Trust I have again made valid points, that need some serious consideration.

    Take Care All - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Tim_Peachey
    Tim_Peachey Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Cant get the new levels on PC Windows 10. Currently on 8765. Any known issues??

  • Hi @Pounawea @Glenn1972 @Albert_Heinrich @Peter_Tornaros @Scooterpie & The Rest Of The Group,

    Well, finished up on the new releases for today 2/3/2021. It was mostly enjoyable, with a few difficult levels.

    However, there was 1 thing wrong. On "ALL" of the 45 New Levels Released today, I did not get my *3 Moves from the Candy Necklace Win Streak, which is currently at 174. I did get my *1 Move from the "Master Trophy List", but not the Candy Necklace.

    • Candy Necklace Win Streak - 174 Win Streak - Level 8810 - No 3 Moves On The 45 Levels - Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale

    So my question is, was this intended by the Studio?

    Along with, did any other players have this experience in playing the 45 New Levels today?

    That is a huge loss. *45 New Levels x 3 Moves = 135 Moves Lost!

    If this was intended, it would be helpful in being told, that a feature I won was being taken away. If not intended, then we have another issue here.

    Thought I would bring it to your attention @Pounawea.

    Take Care All - Origins7 Dale, 😀


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