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The game has lost its charm

adamzki321 Posts: 44

Level 3

Candy crush has really lost its charm after the update that removed the old map with many unique episodes that maked you feel like you were progressing in a story. It always motivated me to play to ser the next episode. When the update released i started to play candy crush soda instead. Its not as fun but that game at least maked me feel like progressing, after like three weeks they also removed the epiodes in that game to. Both games has lost its charm and isnt fun to play anymore, you just feel like youre stuck in a endless loop. I really hope the candy crush team will consider to bring back the episodes. I know the reason why they removed them but there are solutions that shouldnt be to hard to make the game good for both people that wants many episodes and people that only wants 5 episodes repeating. There could be a downloadable recourse that would contain the old episodes all the way to the last normal maked episode, there they could use random episodes from the collection of over 500 episodes. I really thonk they should implement this to make all players happy. There are many players here that want it and most of candy crush players arent even heare because they dont have a account here.



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    As the saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison. I have only been playing CCS for just over a month, and think the game design is fine. That is not to say you are wrong in any way, just that the game designers can't accommodate the opinions of everyone. It is an unfortunate fact that out of the millions of people that play CCS any change is bound to upset some percentage of the player base.

  • YoshLee44
    YoshLee44 Posts: 102
    edited March 2021

    Many people were distasteful about it, including myself. Likely an even more hated change than the removal than Booster Bot.

    Edit: I have played this game on/off since 2013.

  • adamzki321
    adamzki321 Posts: 44

    Level 3

    @Alienscar I dont say that the game designers would need to make more episodes. They could reuse random episodes from the big collection of already made episodes when you come to the last normal maked episode. This could be a downloadable resource and i dont think i would be to hard to implement. It would just make more players happy with the game.

  • undercon2
    undercon2 Posts: 108

    For me I play to see if I can beat the others in my ranking thing to #1 to get the top prize in gold bard. The story line stuff, to me, felt like a unnecessary element that got in the way. Right now I don’t understand why they changed the waffles to toffee swirl thing.

  • YoshLee44
    YoshLee44 Posts: 102

    Unnecessary??? I'm not sure if you know what "saga" means 🥴

  • undercon2
    undercon2 Posts: 108

    @YoshLee44 I do know what it means but it’s not the reason I play the game. I enjoy trying to figure out how to beat the level that I am on (no matter how long it takes lol). If they where to add it back I would still play but wouldn’t pay attention to lol. Either way as long as they don’t make the levels extremely difficult to the point where I would need to spend like $50 to beat it, I’m gonna keep playing it with episodes or not.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Hi @adamzki321 I didn't mean to imply that the designer's would need to design more episodes, I just meant that they can't design the game that everyone wants to play. I would imagine from a programming point of view it would be too difficult to include both types of episodes.

    Quote @YoshLee44 Many people were distasteful about it, including myself. Likely an even more hated change than the removal than Booster Bot.

    In many ways this is my point. People don't like change and the designer's can't please all of the players all of the time. Out of the multitude of people that play CCS some are always going to dislike a certain change, no matter how many other people like it. So, in this instance whilst I don't miss the previous episodes and find the look of the current CCS to be more than fine, unfortunately you and adamzki321 fel the opposite. Neither of us is right, or wrong it is just the way things work when it comes to changes.

  • YoshLee44
    YoshLee44 Posts: 102

    But at the same time, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    It wasn't broken

  • puji2cool
    puji2cool Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Why would you say that

  • sandrene
    sandrene Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I do not agree. Still love it

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