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Help with level 4865

AngeldeNuit Posts: 2 Newbie
edited March 2021 in Support

I have tried everything! How do I get past the blocker that can't be moved? Cherries are behind candy canes that can't be broken. I have used every booster. The board has been cleared numerous times, but the path is blocked by that little creature which can't be moved!


  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308 Level 5
    edited March 2021

    Hey there, welcome to the forum.

    Just watch the video & see how that player did it, YMMV; may the candies (& cherry) similarly fall in your favour.

    Give it another try; have fun, enjoy...

  • AngeldeNuit
    AngeldeNuit Posts: 2 Newbie

    I listed the wrong level. It was level 4865. I was flying through these until now. I'm stuck!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 151,671 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to our Community

    What moves do you have , This video with 27 moves, hope give some Tips

  • FlaringCrystal120
    FlaringCrystal120 Posts: 3,056 Level 5

    Hello and welcome, level 4865 is a multi task level, you have to collect the cherry and clear the jelly to complete the level.

    To begin with you have to make moves on the left side of the board as the right side is covered in crystal candies. You need to collect the keys on the left side which will unlock the middle part of the board including the frog. Once the keys are collected try to grow the frog as you are clearing the jelly, the frog can be used to uncover the waffles and the cherry so that it will be possible to collect the cherry. The frog is the secret to this level as it can get to places where your combos won't be able to get due to the licorice blocking the way. Don't place the frog on the waffles as it will block the cherry from dropping down, place it on the licorice instead.

    The left side of the board is the "bottom" of the board so making moves there will create cascades and help to clear the right side of the board. However at some stage you will have to make moves n the right side as the jelly there will take longer to clear.

    Keep using the frog when it is grown to clear the tricky jellies and collect the cherry.

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