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Infinite loop in Level 9017

Germano_ Posts: 89

Level 3


I am reporting a bug on Level 9017.

With a certain combination of broken candies, I entered an infinite loop in column 2 and 8 (candies keep falling infinitively).

I had to switch off the game and I lost my win streak πŸ˜₯

See picture below (obviously the moving loop can not be seen). I guess candies moved from Column 1 to 2 and could never fill in (you can see the blue candy in mid air).

You may fix this bug for other players

Best Answer

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer βœ“

    @Germano_ Hi and welcome,

    These loop bugs seem to be temporary glitches and the level can be passed, but will tag the level designer @LindQ to this as maybe she can get the studio to look into the issue

    Thank you


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