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World Map - Episode names/themes

Remano88 Posts: 40

Level 3

edited May 2021 in Discussions

Question? Why did King/CCS stop releasing new episode names/themes on the map and started repeating 10 names instead? There must be a reason for this decision.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    Ease of design and lack of manpower I would guess @Remano88. As time has gone by the original developers that really understood the game will have left. King will also have reduced the amount of developers working on the game as there is less to work on. It is much easier for new designer's coming in to King to work with just ten names than it is to continuously dream up new themes. This iscespecially true if there is only a small team of people doing the work.

    This is just a guess on my part though, so I could easily be wrong.

  • 82092535
    82092535 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    My all episode is same and no new event in my game

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    @82092535 Are you sure that all of your Episodes have the same name? Don't you see names like, Chocolate Mountain, or Soda Sea on your map?

    As for new events make sure you keep your browser/app up to date and clear your TMP files/app cache on a regular basis. Also log in and out of the game and restart your device on a regular basis and this should help.

  • 82092535
    82092535 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    There are some names in my episodes and i log in but its not work

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    @82092535 If you scroll through your map you will probably find that the names repeat themselves.

    If logging in and out, and restarting your device doesn't work the first time don't give up, just keep trying. Not everyone receives the same Events at the same time.

  • 82092535
    82092535 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    I try all idea but its not work. no new events😯😔😔😔😔😔😔

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    Sorry to hear that, but don't give up. A new event can appear at any time.

  • 82092535
    82092535 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    edited May 2021

    Thanks alienscar 🤗


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