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Feedback on levels 9351-9395



  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,232

    I agree with @Michael-6 in regard to the overuse of sugar coats and crystal candies. I find a UFO blast usually sorts it 🛸

    Like @LindQ my favourite is bubble pop 🙂

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Agree on the bubblegum pop, probably my favourite of the blockers too.

    Regarding the sugar coats, i probably wouldn't have as strong a dislike to them if the visibility of candies behind them were better- this is particularly noticeable given the predominant use of purple, yellow and red candies in recent episodes, they all blend into one behind a double sugar coat cover!

    Good to hear about possible improvements to the fish booster!

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619

    I generally turn off the hints, but with sugar coat it has to be on. Maybe failing eyesight.

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    edited May 2021

    @Peter_Tornaros, yep, love them UFO's.

    When they misfire, it is another kettle of fish. Then I swear like a proverbial sailor.

    Bubblegum poppers are the best, especially if it sets off in a row. Kinda like Guy Fawkes

  • Purvi_Macwan
    Purvi_Macwan Posts: 63

    Level 3

    @LindQ Guess 9391 needs to be looked again. very less moves to completion.

  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464

    So no Dexter this week? And probably not for some time? Instead of the Space Race I've got some garden thing, where I as with the planets in Space Race have to move up from garden to garden. Not sure I'm going to bother with that. To much work, when events like this always appear after I've played the new levels.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @Ditto I got "garden thing" collected the green candies and it then the event disappeared on me? Not working right!

    Huh? ʕᴥ· ʔ

  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464

    @Scooterpie . That also happened here, but it came back after I closed and reopened the app. Just checked and it's still there. But the player in the lead already has more than 20000 green candies, so I don't think I'll bother playing it.

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308


    Feedback on levels 9351-9395

    Finished 'em, they were OK; & since the title of the topic was edited, no remarks about the feline dude consuming material that is meant for the pets is necessary (save it for the cats, Markus)...

    And the episode/fast race is still doing its usual crap, week after week.

    quote (from last week):

    I think @John_58011 is probably right about the episode race!

    The candy gods just pick randomly for it, they be screwing with us!

    We better watch out and behave or they will put the hammer down!

    Oh, the hammer has already been put down for a minute (at least).

    BTW, who's @Ditto (not much happening here, yet)?

    So the garden tour is the latest variation of the space race; starting at the very beginning (collecting greens), big freaking deal.

    And for anyone watching adverts for extra goodies on mobile platforms (unless they've used actual money within the game, which would basically eliminate that feature for them), Rubbermaid would be an appropriate sponsor; as a majority of features (except booster wheel & maybe a few others) belong in the bin...

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,232

    I also have Garden Bed or whatever it is called 😣Waste of time !!!!

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