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5️⃣🏁 Poll of the week - Fantastic Five vs Episode Race



  • panythegreat
    panythegreat Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Episode Race

    I like both, as you get to win something different. I picked the episode race, as my current (random one) is useless, since I’m the one doing most of the hard work. I need a good F5 team to join.

  • 640
    640 Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Episode Race

    Voted episode race

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,663
    Episode Race

    This was a really difficult choice. The Fantastic Five is really good and provides better boosters than the Episode Race, but it has issues that the developers aren't interested in sorting out. The timed boosters generally arrive when you can't use them, and this is an issue that really needs sorting out. There should be a way for Team Owners to directly control theirvteam and some form of basic communication between team members is desperately needed.

    For these reasons I voted for the Episode Race.

    The problem with both of them is that you need to complete levels to win anything, and from the number of complaints about how hard levels have become getting rewards from eithrr of them isn't easy.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,785
    Fantastic Five

    @Crazy Cat Lad it is a difficult decision. I like both. And I agree with @Yosca that we are a great team. 

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    Episode Race


    I must admit I know very little at all about teams and how they work. I'm not on FB either and don't know its impact, so I have to vote for the Episode Race

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    Fantastic Five

    Hi @Crazy Cat Lad @Pounawea @Diamond Lim @Yosca @Nix66 thx for info & tag,

    Hi (F5) Fantastic 5 Team - (F5) Team Name "Sukanta Biswas" - *Admin / Team Owner is: @Sukanta_Biswas - *Players are: @Hesham_Shaheen @Werner_Cichy @kiara_wael & myself / Dale, 

    I voted for *F5 Teams, because there is more value with them. However, I need to clear some things up, with that statement. I posted this before, but again, no answer to the issue /s.

    On *F5 Teams, once you win the *3rd prize, now it is any prize in it, if your team is ahead of you, meaning they have won the next prize, like *1st Prize the *Popsicle Lollipop Hammer, you do not get it, that is, the next prize, it *Skips It, it is not *Rewarded to you! Why? No idea, but I would say or guess, bad code mostly. So you have to be logged in, on the same prize as the rest of the team, or you will not get the next prize listed.

    On *Episode Race, known as the *Fast Race in the past on CCS. If you are at the end of the *Saga Map, you get 1 race, & might not even get that, depending on what the *King Studio is promoting that week or weeks. Before reaching the end of the *Saga Map, was getting *3 Races every week, *Episode = 15 Levels, *45 Levels Released = 3 Races.

    However, there have been reports of players not getting *Rewards on the race. In my case I have, about *25 Gold Bars per race. But, I have never gotten any winnings on the *Fast Race Win Streak or *Episode Race Win Streak, if you prefer to call it that. It has *Rewards, but not given or misleading. It comes up or pops up after the race, but only announces what you can win, on the next race. Perhaps, that is its purpose? No clarity on what it does. I'll guess, that when you reach a certain *Number of Wins, whatever it is, it continues to give *25 Gold Bars on the next race, or it may drop down. Not sure, because I haven't lost yet.

    I am around *28 or so on winning races. Even that is not accurate. Not boasting here, when I say this. I have never lost a race. Because no one races in my group mostly. When I cross the finish line, everyone is still on the starting line. Some races, the players do race, but on others, no movement.

    Here is a screenshot.

    • CCS Fast Race or Episode Race With @Sukanta_Biswas On (5/5/2021) - CCS - Origins7 Dale

    This is the 2nd x that @Sukanta_Biswas has been in my group for the *Episode / Fast Race. Does it mean he didn't race, doubtful, the explanation would be, or more likely to be, he was used as a *Filler. Reason I say that, is because I am normally last on my *F5 Team on doing my levels. So when I see his *High Scores in my list, means he got there first, & finished them before me. As far as the others in the race, no idea, maybe at work, or doing other things. A *Filler btw, is someone put in, meaning their *Picture or *Avatar, when you run out of live players.

    Getting harder to win *Gold Bars, unless you are in a *King Community Contest for *Saga or *Soda, or any of the other games here. Have to win or then be picked from a drawing tho.

    Let me also say, I am on a outstanding *F5 Team. Very competitive, the amount of *Awards / Rewards won here from @Sukanta_Biswas @kiara_wael & @Werner_Cichy alone, would choke a *King or *Queen. (hehe) I have seen our @Hesham_Shaheen do all *7000 Points by himself, many times. Must have every *Device known to man, to do that. 😁

    So how did I get in then, they were drinking, then I snuck in. 🤣

    All the above is on the *Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App. Listed in my *Signature below also.

    Trust this helps.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Greymane
    Greymane Posts: 3,961
    Fantastic Five

    My team rocks❤

  • SabrinaM
    SabrinaM Posts: 3,578
    Episode Race

    Voted✅ I really like to win gold bars with episode race 🤩 because even if I'm in last position I can always win two gold bars🙂

  • Shilviya18
    Shilviya18 Posts: 1,690
    Fantastic Five

    Voted !

  • Nwosu
    Nwosu Posts: 11,112
    Episode Race

    Episode race 🏁

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?