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Lvl 463

doarice Posts: 2 Newbie

Greetings ! This lvl 463 is impossible ...or is it a bug ? I have only 12 moves ... Thank you!

Best Answers

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓

    @doarice Hi and welcome,

    All my devices show 30 moves but have seen others with the same issue

    Try checking your device and game are up to date , log out and clear the cache from your app store. restart your device and log back in and see if this resolves you issue

    If not i will tag the level designer @LindQ to see if she can offer any help but it will be Monday before we can here anything from her

    Thank you

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,932 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓

    Welcome to the friendly King Community.

    We've received a few more reports about this level, and we've also noticed that there are variations in the moves available for this level. Holidays are running right now, so we can expect a helpful information next Monday.

    Thanks in advance for your patience and support. 


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