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Feedback on levels 9441-9485!



  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @LindQ we have two discussions going on for Feedback on Levels 9441 - 9845 going on. One by you and one by @Crazy Cat Lad

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    Yes, oops! this is my bad. Our CM was out today, but apparently he took the time to update with a new post anyway just after i already posted mine. Hopefully he can merge them or something when he is back 😅

  • Purvi_Macwan
    Purvi_Macwan Posts: 63

    Level 3

    edited May 2021

    @LindQ Done with all 45 levels without any issues. All the levels are doable. No tweaks or changes requires. Congratulations to developer team for creating levels that has ZERO issues. Just disappointed about no episode race whatsoever. See you next week guys..

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,232

    @LindQ I only had 32 moves + the extra moves for the Candy Necklace on Level 9455. Got a lucky board and beat it by starting with a CB combo and using 1 UFO with 10 moves to go. Completed with 4 moves to spare !! Being a Rainbow Rapids level I hated it !!!!!

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    @LindQ @Crazy Cat Lad

    Many levels need to be changed soon they are impossible without many boosters. It look like was released without much testing. Lost impression about the new feature Color Cannons

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    Looks like you didn't get the updates yet, unfortunately! This level should right now have 42 moves and 4-layer frosting as well as higher spawnrates of special candy than the old version.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    I fed back in the other thread for first episode in Crazy Cat's thread. Used 5 x UFO and 28 LH as IPB (In-play boosters) for the entire episode, three of the UFOs on level 9455. Then waited an hour or so, rebooted the app. Tackled the second episode, to me was much easier. Used only 6 x LH and zero UFO as IPB, for the whole episode. Even my occasional accident of switching the app off midway through level 9466 to lose the Win Streak, needed ZERO IPB to re-do 9466 and complete 9470. Surely indicates plenty of moves, scope for strategy and no lottery levels.

    Unknown to me if any second episodes were revised, after initial release and before 5 pm GMT.

    Only one LH needed to complete 9475 in final episode start, and no LH. Samantha level with cherries and Color Bomb cannons was an enjoyable level, will feedback the level number later today or tomorrow.

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    9455 should have been changed before release to a version with 42 moves and 4-layer frosting + more specials. We started roll-out a bit late, and therefor some players experienced the harder version instead (sounds like you did!). The second episode was also changed. It's possible some players played the second episode with the much harder version, but most likely majority of players will have played the correct version.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987
    edited May 2021

    Finished all episodes this morning, generally an interesting set of levels, some pretty difficult ones where you need all the moves and a bit of luck. 9478 springs to mind as being tight for finishing , in spite of 40 moves. 9483 too, you can end up getting swamped with waffles. But nothing impossible. Obviously this verdict is after the changes were made to the initial release, where there were clearly mistakes in the amount of moves available. I found the first episode pretty awful before the changes were made.

    The colour dispensers work quite well i think. You end up with pretty restricted areas to make moves in , but the potential for making special candies is massively increased.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    Back to my feedback after checking levels on YouTube. Two more levels I play over and over again, had Samantha. 9466 replayed after losing my Win Streak and thus 5 extra moves, still had enough moves to use her to clear, no IPB. Next level the MM spawning out help of Bon-Bon of fish and striped is an enjoyable challenge.

    Colour Candy cannons now, 9479 was a challenge, to get the fish boosters to produce fish, which are tasked. Was plenty of moves left when Candy Coat order was taken, but the fish bobbles were harder. To get horizontal stripes in the right place was awkward, needed luck. Was a single fish short with one move left, so a single LH. Still 9479 quite enjoyable to play. 9476, and 9477 were good Colour Candy cannon levels.

    Most generous for moves was 9472. Had a lot of moves left on level completion, if allocated 50 moves. Feels like by the time I started the second episode, 5 pm GMT yesterday, had the revisions, and had no problems as got PGBs of fish, coconut wheel, and sometimes Lucky Candy to use pre-game. Those boosters do help, as do the benefit of Win 10 move allocation.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?