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Feedback on levels 9441-9485!



  • King_Neal
    King_Neal Posts: 1,700

    Hello @LindQ

    I recall you saying you tweak the levels based on the data and not because there are complaints about it.

    Well, I will be shocked if the data doesn’t tell you that level 9481 is darn near impossible! In fact, that should be a new level difficulty designation above Nightmarishly Hard level - Darn Near Impossible!

    I have already lost to this level 40 times already and have used the last of my boosters and gold bars, so I’m attacking this level with no weapons. This is a really aggravating level and needs another 10 moves to even get it to the Nightmarishly Hard range. I second @FoxyBrown60 and would rate this level as HORRIBLE! I never want to play a level like this one again. Actually, I have the perfect fix for this level - just add Samantha and a color bomb cannon and that should fix it.

    On the good side, I really do enjoy the color cannons. They add an interesting twist to the game strategy.

    Please investigate this level before I reach the dreaded 50 times loss level where I get 35 extra moves to finish the level, if I only had 10 gold bars. If I reach that awful milestone, I’ll be back to post the screenshot of my accomplishment of failure!

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    Will look into all these today! A few of these were not changed since on Windows, but we definitely have more data now after the weekend. At first glance it looks like a lot of these levels need a bit of a nerf, indeed.

  • deepc
    deepc Posts: 45

    Level 3

    Level 9472 - It depends on getting a lucky board to complete this level. Might need a look into as well.

  • King_Neal
    King_Neal Posts: 1,700

    Hello @LindQ

    As promised, here is my hall of shame screenshot. This is my reward for failing 50 times on level 9481.

    Oh, if I only had 10 gold bars. I’m sure I could finish the level with my 35 extra moves. Maybe that is a fix for these darn near impossible levels. Simply award 10 gold bars after failing a level 50 times - that way there is a pseudo-cap on the number of times one has to play a level. One still has to play and pass the level, but with 35 extra moves, even the darn near impossible levels should be doable.

  • FoxyBrown60
    FoxyBrown60 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    edited June 2021

    Hey @LindQ and fellow frustrated Crushers

    After playing this game since what seems like The Start of Time, April 30 was the first time I recall being frustrated enough to post on this forum. The game was always a welcome way to ‘chill and unwind’ - your words not mine…

    It now has become a source of stress. Prior to April this year I did enjoy working through the levels, and had built up quite a collection of free boosters and coins as I rarely used these items - reserving them for times when I was in a rush to complete an episode for whatever reason. I won almost all of the episode races, participated in all the bits and pieces (yes I do realize that playing is my choice), and actually had fun playing. I now have no boosters or coins left because I just could not give up trying the unplayable levels - but perhaps that is the new plan… 🤔. I mean - who bases tweaking decisions on the data gathered from early players who admit to using all starting boosters plus IPBs to complete?

    So… I just wanted to let you and the rest of the Candy Crush developers/tormentors know that I have deleted the game from my phone and I am DONE. I don’t enjoy posting pleading complaints for someone to stop what seems like deliberate torture, and so I have cut the cord.


    Edited to add a few other recent issues while I am venting:

    • whatever you all did to the F5 game created problems. The last 5 times I reached the goal - either the Claim button would not be displayed, or I would claim but the rewards would not get credited or it would just reset without allowing me to claim.
    • the lucky whatever (the name escapes me) that allows you to climb and collect boosters also is not working properly and has started only crediting the last item won (at least in my game).
    • the new chocolate box counts a switch as an attempt. I don’t think this is fair and (to my memory) it did not happen before.

    That’s all folks!

    An ex-crusher

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Well done Foxybrown for actually doing what a lot of people threaten to do. If only another 150 million players would do the same thing then maybe King would finally understand that arbitrarily removing moves from levels isn't actually something that can be called 'level design'

  • David_Lewis
    David_Lewis Posts: 134

    I'm hoping to get to level 10,000 then I'm out of here as well, absolutely no fun in the game anymore, it's been ruined.

  • David_Lewis
    David_Lewis Posts: 134

    9478 is a joke, hopefully you've seen the data,it's needs tweaking to passable without boosters as no one as any anymore because of your dreadful unpassable levels you keep throwing at us.

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    We did add some moves yesterday, but it seems like the change was not big enough. Will get a bigger change today 😊

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?