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Shining Starts

Mim_ Posts: 639

Can you please tell me what I have to collect in "Shining Stars" I've been collecting speckled bombs but don't think it's that

Best Answers

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394
    Answer ✓

    @Mim_ I'd say levels that encourage cascading. For example level 1000 or level 1476 if you don't already have sugar stars on them.

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639
    Answer ✓

    Thank you very much. Arwen has been helping me so I understand more now 👍



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,117

    Hi @Mim_

    Please check this video how to play Events Shinning Star

  • kerichello
    kerichello Posts: 5

    Level 2


  • kerichello
    kerichello Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Love love love Candy Crush!!!!

  • kerichello
    kerichello Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Thank goodness for candy crush it makes my day a wonderful one!!!!

  • kerichello
    kerichello Posts: 5

    Level 2

    If anyone’s looking for me you know where I’ll be!!! PLAYING CANDY CRUSH!!! Hahaha

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394

    @Mim_ you have to gather sugar stars from new or older levels!

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639

    Yes that's what I'm doing now

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639

    I am doing old levels to score stars. I have collected so many but they don't add up all the new starts that I have done. Why don't they just add up the ones I did. I still have another 33 to get. I'm doing levels where I only got 1 star so getting 2 new one on most of the ones I've done I should of finished this ages ago.

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394

    @Mim_ are you gathering sugar stars (blue) or simple stars (yellow)? Because only the former count.

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639

    I don't understand all the stars are yellow. Can you please explain how I get blue ones (I have 7 but I dont know why)

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