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Level 1350

efyv Posts: 6

Level 2

Having SERIOUS problems passing this level and I’m almost out of boosters. I don’t understand the whole concept of this level.


  • alokyaduvanshi
    alokyaduvanshi Posts: 7

    Level 2


  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394

    @efyv you must hit the magic mixer repeatedly until it's destroyed because otherwise it will aggressively keep spawning icing. Then you must try to destroy the double jelly beneath the mixer. This can be done through horizontal striped candies at the 5th row and/or vertical ones at the 5th column. Well positioned wrapped candies can give you a hit too, but that is much harder to achieve than stripes. Ideal combination is color bomb + striped for this level, but you will need some luck to make one as you need space and the mixer eats space fairly aggressively. You will want to line up the color for maximum effect but you get very little tempo time as the mixer does its worst every other move, so again you need some luck and solid move by move planning.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,868

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Level 1350. For this level try to play from the bottom of the board to shuffle the candies as it will give chance to make more special candy. Combine special candies with each other or play with remaining jelly candy to break them all.

    Keep trying and Good Luck

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