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Please remove Kardashians



  • Bblotto
    Bblotto Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I was sorry to see the comment from the moderator basically telling us to suck it up with the Kardashians. I hope they take note of the many many comments here bashing the concept. I won't be playing until KK is GONE!

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928

    Hello @missbeth and welcome to our friendly community. As has been mentioned above by @Alienscar this has been suggested numerous times. Besides Khloe Kardashian was chosen as the guest host for the USA All Stars Tournament so she will be part of the game until the finals.

    I am closing this thread now.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928

    Thais is a duplicate idea. Closing this thread now.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928

    Khloe Kardashian is the Guest host for the USA All Stars tournament. It is the first of its kind. So she will be present in the game until the tournament final.

    I am closing this thread now.

  • Victorious27
    Victorious27 Posts: 0


    How does one get rid of the teams and the Kardasian? Hate both! Refuse to play.

  • penken
    penken Posts: 814

    I also am not a fan of Khloe Kardashian. I prefer the cute Candy Crush characters. Sorry, JMHO.

  • can you guys plz get that plastic out of my game?! it’s really unnecessary. like really really! 🤦🏽‍♂️

  • frodo1966
    frodo1966 Posts: 0


    I am ready to quit because now the Kardashians are involved. Poor move!


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,819
    edited September 2021

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Which level are you stuck ?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    @kiara_wael, chickenlittles214 is complaining about Khloe Kardashian being in the game and not asking for level help.

    This post should be closed as a duplicate though because chickenlittles214 has already made a very similar post.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?