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Level 4934

Need advice from some hard core, die hard crushers, please. Say you start out like this, but have a color bomb and if you don't have a stripe or wrap beside it would you co for a blue or orange to open bottom roe of blocked candies or maybe purple to open up the top row of blocked candies? The keys drop where the licorices are, and they don't always drop. Usually the last one when there are only 4 moves left. Keep in mind not many moves to begin with


  • Is it a waste of time to ask questions such as this? Just wondering because I've seen several comments and discussions stating that you'll win when King wants you to win. These statements have a lot of truth to them especially after my last few rounds of this level. Also with some of the last few levels.

  • Stay as safe and as well as you can friends. I do all I can to wear a mask, sanitize and I got vaccinated after getting Covid. And now I have Influenza. I think it's best for me to stay home again ❤️

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,664

    I can't make my mind up Tina about whether or not it is worth asking questions similar to this one. I look at your board and think right the important bit is to clear the dispensers so that they can produce special candy. Also if I started with a colour bomb I would be tempted to leave it. As there are so many dispensers I would hope that if I left the colour bomb I would get it next to a special candy quite soon. Especially if I had a free switch.

    On the other hand I have read a lot of stuff from game experts and technically minded people that say that there is no skill involved with Candy Crush at all as the programme relies on a random number generator to operate. I admit that I tend to lean towards you will win when King wants you to win at the moment.

    By the way Tina don't be shy about tagging people in this community. I have seen loads of people tag people on posts far more frivolous than this one, so make sure you tag people to get a response.

    Also you might like to consider creating posts like this one as a question. You are far more likely to get a response if you set your discussion up as a question.

  • Thank you. I have a feeling though that someone somewhere can change settings. Like for instance the booster. I bought a set of 3, the first gave Mr 1or 3. The next turn it gave me only 1. So I sent an email to tech support. After talking to them the next round I was getting several, 4maybe 5. I think I won finslly. This level I'm on now and stuck on is ridiculous. You only have 20 moves,5 keys to collect that are blocked by several blockers. And you can't clear all the jelly without them and the dispenserx sometimes waits until the last 3 moves to drop the last key. You have to be very very lucky to clear the board with only3or 4 movrs. Thank yo again for your imput

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