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Please remove Kardashians



  • MonroeH
    MonroeH Posts: 153

    I think @tina2shoes summed it up perfectly: "WE SIMPLY WANT TO PLAY CANDY CRUSH WITHOUT BEING SUBJECTED TO CELEBRITIES". I think King made a HUGE mistake by putting KK's face on every screen. Of course their intent was to attract new players, but instead they ended up upsetting a whole bunch of their long-time loyal players. Just look at this discussion -- we're up to 20 pages of posts from people angry about being subjected to seeing her everywhere in their game!

  • nina299
    nina299 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Take out Khloe face pleaseeeeee

  • juja
    juja Posts: 42

    Level 3

    The K-shian event ends on November 11th? Seriously? She must have paid good $$$ to have her face here. What a disgrace, King. You can sell your soul to anyone?

  • xyz18
    xyz18 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I do not want to see any of the Kar-TRASH-ians nor do I want to have my phone SCREAM at me when volume is set to mute. HOW RUDE CAN YOU BE? Candy Crush has gone to the trashiest game out there

  • kshettlerCC
    kshettlerCC Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I won't be playing Candy Crush Saga until Kardasian is removed from it.

  • brandy11051
    brandy11051 Posts: 0


    edited October 2021

    Remove the useless Kardashian it ruins the game for me

  • Falmandares
    Falmandares Posts: 0


    edited October 2021

    I do NOT like anything Kardashian and it's very annoying that I have to sit through a stupid 2 minute little spiel by a plastic person that I detest. I'm at level 5019 but I will leave CCS if she doesn't disappear SOON!!!

  • Krickylee
    Krickylee Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited October 2021

    Remove Kardashians face and lower those new high prices!!

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,661
    edited October 2021

    Hi @Krickylee This comes across as a complaint about someone you don't personally like rather than an idea that would improve the game for everyone. Khloe is part of the current All Stars event and nothing can now change that.

    As for the new higher prices I remember a previous post from our Community Manager that said something along the lines of a package is only ever more expensive if there is something different about the package. You should not be paying more for a package that hasn't changed. If you are paying more for the same things you have always bought try posting in the Support area of this forum.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,661

    Hello @Falmandares I am sorry to have to tell you that Khloe will be in your game until the 11th November, and she will not be 'disappearing' before then. As the chosen host of the All Stars competition it is too late to make any changes.


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?