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Feedback on levels 10 521 - 10 565!



  • Level 10528 is fixed now. In the first version one lucky candy dropped with every move, now the maximum of lucky candies on the board is 2, so if those 2 candies are destroyed by cascades, others are dropping without making any move.

  • Great to see Level 10528 was fixed promptly @LindQ , I would hate to see other players lose as many gold bars as I did.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,807

    The Phantom is back. LOL. Level 10521 has been completed and...... nothing. The flag disappeared as every week.

    But a fantastic offer came exactly at the place where otherwise the flag for the episode race is. Good job!

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,232
    edited October 2021

    Episodes 2 and 3 were a big improvement on the first episode, however Levels 10540 and 10542 need some serious tweaking as they are ridiculously hard. Levels 10546 and 10558 are also extremely hard. I think it is impossible to pass any of these without using numerous boosters.

    Finally, the last level, 10565, is a joke and totally unfair. You cannot pass this level if you have a full candy necklace + F5 timed boosters. With limited scope, boosters explode right at the start eliminating the sole piece of chocolate which is required to grow to 6 to enable you to complete the level. The is a pathetically designed level and needs a complete overhaul. It is totally unacceptable that you have to lose your candy necklace to beat a level.

    @LindQ can you look at these levels. I also thought the Power Pop made a few levels way too easy.

  • Goldenswordz
    Goldenswordz Posts: 552
    edited October 2021

    I don't get the power pop?

    Like, I mean I don't have access to it.

  • Lee_Lindner
    Lee_Lindner Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Can some tell me why I only got up to level 10475 released today ? how come others have another 90 levels I don’t have access too ?

  • @Lee_Lindner You need to download the CCS Win10 App to a PC or Laptop. The Win10 version is 90 levels ahead.

  • sauren
    sauren Posts: 288

    @LindQ Based on what I've read here, has level 10565 been fixed?

  • sauren
    sauren Posts: 288

    @Alienscar Have you played level 10565 yet?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666
    edited October 2021

    Hi @sauren no I haven't as I have just passed level 2040. Maybe some of the other players in this thread could help you.

    If you can wait until Monday @LindQ may get back to you. I get the impression she doesn't work on the weekend, and as it is late Friday her weekend has probably already started.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?