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  • pikaika
    pikaika Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I'm thinking the same. This must be the most stupid thing they've come up with. What's the point of a computer generated Troll winning all prizes? Is it gonna enjoy them in future levels? No of course not! Just plain stupid.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,664

    Beth, after seeing all of the other posts now, and finally understanding what is going on I totally agree with your opinion. This is a disgraceful thing for King to do as with over two hundred million players of Candy Crush there can be no good reason to introduce an AI player into the Weekly Contest. It is plain that the only intent of this change is to reduce the amount of boosters that people can win.

  • Diane_Black
    Diane_Black Posts: 20

    Level 3

    edited January 2022

    I have gotten the Troll 3 weeks now and it wins every time, usually well over a 100 levels! Last week it got 174! It's definitely the CC Troll, the image flips between the Troll and a lollipop... real players are an icon. This is a low down ploy to get players to buy boosters and its very unfair. Every time I win a level I see it's way far ahead. This week it's already at 96 levels, just 3 days in. Candy Crush (King), please remove this garbage! I've seen other unfair tactics before but this is the worst! I'm at level 7500 and love this game, but I have never and will never buy a booster!

  • rayandsassy
    rayandsassy Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I have the same problem, they need to delete it, or I'll delete myself

  • pikaika
    pikaika Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Troll really whooped my behind with score of 198. Well done you computer generated Troll. Enjoy the prizes.

  • Diane_Black
    Diane_Black Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Pikaika, my Troll got 198 also! As you can see, I got 90 levels this week (and I never buy boosters!) so I'm really feeling cheated. Third week in a row I would have won except this stupid Troll thing. I'm wondering how the board meeting went down.... Awww, the fans will love this new addition to the contest! What could go wrong? A win win for the Candy Crushers!.... Not!

  • Diane_Black
    Diane_Black Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Good news! The Troll was removed from my Weekly Contest today!!! I hope it stays that way and that it happens for all of you too! THEY HEARD US!

  • oosh
    oosh Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Makes me feel pi**ed off! You can’t get ahead even if you play for hours! It is just wrong

  • Heartland87
    Heartland87 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    This is what the post was referring to. King now has the “Troll” winning more games than most people can. It’s hard to win this many games & requires a lot of time & effort. Now we have to compete with a Troll too?!?! If I can get first place it helps me be able to beat the harder boards I’m facing. If I get second or third I only get one multi candy. By the Troll competing it takes away the chance for us to even get that one candy! It’s a bit ridiculous that we’re competing against the computer or even people who designed the game! I think it only shows up when a player wins the weekly contest as I’m just seeing it the past few weeks & others had it last year.

  • messenabout
    messenabout Posts: 315


    That damn troll! Where the heck did he come from and why is he in my game? I was complaining about him literally last week. But this week I beat him! I had about 61 and he only had 23. But read on...I think they might have just LET me win this week so I don't think it's fixed because I complained about it to them. But I still think it's fixed. Like so many other things.

    But you know, in most events we usually get rewarded such a pittance, but this event has a whole load of boosters if you're 1st. Of course King would think of something like that to get in our way of winning all of those. I've never seen them hand out that much as a prize unless you ARE the troll or you're forking out $89.99!


    Has anyone noticed when they win timed boosters that the time seems to count down rather quickly? I'm not sure but the last couple days I feel like my hour and a half of colour bomb is more like 45 minutes for example. I just don't feel like I'm getting the whole clock. I'm going to pay better attention now. I'm just saying it just doesn't feel right.

    And while I'm at it, how come gold bars have all but disappeared as prizes in any in-game features? They think they're sneaky, but you know, we all know the game so well.

    We already have hackers and cheaters to contend with in the episode race. What are they going to think of next. And they never do do anything about the cheaters and I have complained numerous times. They'll just throw me 50 bars or some boosters for my care and time in pointing these things out to them, read: hush money. LOL

    I think they place the cheaters in the game themselves. Like is King actually out of pocket by giving us some (imaginary!) boosters??? Good grief!

    And there's the issue of winning prizes then not receiving them, or some of them are missing. Of course we need to take screenshots and screen records for these times so that we can show them their errors. Why can't they just get it right? I am missing boosters regularly, and often. I call them on it. But sometimes I am so sick of doing that and writing letters and getting back and forth to them and sometimes you just don't remember exactly what happened because you've played another 43 levels. I'm regularly and sometimes often shorted in my due winnings. me that often and I don't always report it what about the people that don't even notice? It's still unfair to them whether they complain or not, whether they notice or not. Why is it up to us to make sure the game is playing correctly? King doesn't seem to make errors when taking money out of my account. Everything goes smoothlingly then. And if I knew ahead of time that there was going to be this "glitch" maybe I would have screen recorded the event. What? I'm supposed to screen record everything I do on Candy Crush? Why don't they just fix it; why don't they just not rip us off? And if you think about it there's a glitch or you miss your boosters or something else happens, it changes your whole game going forward. What if you're on a streak and without all those boosters starting you off you blow the next level. It only serves (King) to have us win less (imaginary) game pieces.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?