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Level 2444 forcing the need to buy boosters?

joesamjames Posts: 2

Level 1

Ok so I have started level 2444 and as you can see by the image they aren’t enough moves to enable 40 chocolate squares to appear, beating in mind the first move one doesn’t appear. So you can see here, without boosters there simply is no way to complete this level - is that not a pay per win situation? Where I’m forced to either wait until the tick boost is given to me or buy boosters? Now that admin have taken away the options to carry on with gold (which you can earn in game) I’m literally left with no option to either pay or wait for the small chance I get a tick booster on the daily spin - i but boosters enough to be a little put out that now I can’t play candy crush until I get a booster or buy one as this level is pointless to play without one


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,819

    Hi and welcome to the King Community

    Yes, this one of hard level need several time to play . match few candies. Then wait for chocolate spawner to spawn chocolates, it will spawn after every 2 moves. Then make special candies as many as you can and combine special candies to break chocolates and all pop corns to collect orders. Lucky candies will fall from candy cannon, break them it will give you chocolates. Then break remaining chocolates to collect all orders and to complete the level. Please check this video hope give some Tips

  • There are 2 spawners. Each spawn one at a time. So 2 per move.

  • joesamjames
    joesamjames Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Thanks i appreciate the help 😊

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