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Candy crush benefit to crushers

bioade Posts: 6

Level 2

I feel this game has gone a long way to started giving benefits to players. Such that can be monetize in a way that players will have a sense of belonging and ownership to the game


  • bioade
    bioade Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Go a little bit further, create a crypto currency outta candy crush; say crushers. Attach prize as gold bar are presently used now to level completion, open channels for crushers to transacts collected prize, open an exchange for charges, talk to binance for heads up, you ll be amazed how much more can change

  • bioade
    bioade Posts: 6

    Level 2

    The community is big already, a much more larger communities are out there ready to fall into any play to earn in the crypto world. It won't be any trouble for a game like this to make wave

  • bioade
    bioade Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Exploit the world of crypto currency and let's grow together

  • bioade
    bioade Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Will be glad if a community manager will pick this and follow up. Cheers

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