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Extra lives or moves

karimrashadcrush Posts: 1

Level 1

My friends and me used to play candy crush saga ,, how often they watch advs after the game they get live or extra move and booster ,, unfortunately it’s doesn’t appear that n my account to watch advs to get extra live or extra move at the eng of game .. please how to fix this . I want to watch advs to get lives or extra moves like them .

i appreciate ur help

Best Answer

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,652
    edited November 2021 Answer ✓

    Hello @karimrashadcrush unfortunately there is no fix for your issue. This is because not everyone gets the same in-game features due to the random manner in which King deliver them to players.

    You can try signing out of your game, restarting your device, and then signing back into your game. Play one new or old level after signing back in and every feature that has been assigned to you will appear.

    Also please make sure your game app is up to date.

    None of this actions can force a feature that you want to appear in your game, but by doing these actions you will see the feature arrive if it is assigned to you at some time.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,652
    edited November 2021 Answer ✓

    Hello @karimrashadcrush unfortunately there is no fix for your issue. This is because not everyone gets the same in-game features due to the random manner in which King deliver them to players.

    You can try signing out of your game, restarting your device, and then signing back into your game. Play one new or old level after signing back in and every feature that has been assigned to you will appear.

    Also please make sure your game app is up to date.

    None of this actions can force a feature that you want to appear in your game, but by doing these actions you will see the feature arrive if it is assigned to you at some time.

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hello @karimrashadcrush , Welcome to the King Community.

    The Watch Ad feature is controlled by the test group and those under this test group will have the opportunity to use this feature. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the feature will always be available in the game or on every platform.

    If you do not have this feature, you can only use gold bars to get extra moves. This feature has been rolled out to different players for a certain amount of time but not everyone will receive this same time.

    So don't be discouraged because you can also get this feature in your game at any time, always keep the game app updated and keep playing the game.

    Thank you!

  • Scer
    Scer Posts: 5

    Level 1

    It can be frustrating.

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374
    edited November 2021



    Yes, it's frustrating when you don't get any aditional events or functions 😔 The test groups are constantly changing, so if you keep your browser and your game up to date you can join them at any time. A little trick that does usually work to make the functions appear, is to switch from WiFi to data or vice versa. If you played with Wi-Fi, log in with data, and if you usually play with data, log in connected to a Wi-Fi network

    Good luck 🤞 and keep enjoying

  • Scer
    Scer Posts: 5

    Level 1


  • Scott_Rossi
    Scott_Rossi Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Its weird cause the game on my phone had that option yet my computer did not. Not its gone for both :(

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