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Level 3
I have found and now accept that candy crush is rigged to make money. I have finally accepted the fact that it may take weeks to pass a level unless you buy product. So people don't get frustrated just remember this game is rigged and it is just a way to pass time.
Hi @startopaz !
All levels are possible to complete without any purchases even though some levels are more challenging than others.
The really tricky levels can be sticky and take many attempts, but they are not impossible.
All purchases are fully optional in the game and the majority of players that reached the current last level haven't made any purchases at all.
What level are you stuck on?
AFTER 5 DAYS AND 127 TRIES I GOT PASS 2009. I know all levels are passable I'm just saying that the game is rigged so you either get so frustrated and buy or just give up.
Definitely rigged! It will take countless times to complete so those who get frustrated easily, will pay to pass. Those of us who are not willing to pay are in for a loooooong frustrating ride. Either that or quit. Candy is already losing a lot of their loyal players and it seems like a downward spiral. Unless they fix this clearly money grabbing issue they will loose even more. Right now they don't seem to care because it seems like a drop in their big sea but the ripple effect is getting bigger and bigger. Even us, the non-paying players contribute to Candy's wealth by watching those ads and sometimes even buying the advertsed product. If we start quitting, the advertisers will move on to greener pastures too. Ripple effect, right there! Doesn't take rocket science to figure that out. Some of us still hanging in there hoping it will go back to the enjoyable game it used to be but it seems like all the complaints are falling on deaf ears. It's just a first world problem, so no biggie! Eventually our hope and patience will run out and move on to better games. Shame.
That doesn't sound like a denial, more like deflection. So let me flat out ask straight out: Are certain levels intentionally manipulated to slow players up, to get them to pay?
That doesn't sound like a denial, more like deflection. So let me flat out ask straight out: Are certain levels intentionally manipulated to slow players up, to get them to pay?
It is rigged i see candies activated for no reason all of the time i am glad i don't spend mney on it because i would not be impressed if i had spent money on bonuses that go off for no reason i would call that theft
Yes definitely rigged. Even if you buy, you pass couple of levels and then run out of what you bought and need to buy again. Not fun any more, been playing for a long time. Will look for another fun game that does not require you to buy to pass every level.
Candy crush isn’t just RIGGED, it’s UNBELIEVABLY rigged… I mean Rigged like a slot machine in your pocket CASH GRAB. King Knows this and simply doesn’t care, they have a corporate response that gets them about of any wrong doing. “Our game gets harder….” The patterns to the game are all right there. You always get one move towards the end of any hard level that makes you get close even when you are forced into wasting moves. I spent 2 weeks on level 784 and didn’t get passed it until i spent 10 gold bars. It’s designed to be addictive and they say the same thing, “all purchases are optional…” yeah thats was drug dealers say. King is a horrible company. They ignore any serious conversation about it being a cash grab. They deny and deflect BIG TIME.
King is in violation of the calif. business & professions practices code 17200. some levels take weeks to get through and some levels take over 200 attempts to get through even with boosters. Since they make over a billion in revenue they have the $$ to fight any lawsuit brought against them for their unfair gaming practices. Really not much one can do except accept the fact that candy crush is a money grab game and is only out for profit. King had no ethics or sense of fair play. If you want to hit them where it hurts STOP PAYING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!