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No help? Seriously?

turtlesforever Posts: 5 Level 2

I have repeatedly reported that the booster calendar on my mobile phone (iOS) keeps filling up, then it resets to start+1, and I get no boosters. I wrote to the helpline, where I got 1 booster each, then 20 gold bars, I took pictures when it happened again, sent them there, and asked them to fix the problem (I have very obviously repeatedly tried the connecting/unconnecting thingy, the things they tell you to do) or to uninstall that calendar, as I find it seriously frustrating that it pops up each and every day to tell me to keep coming back and then it just fails. The last reply I got was "sorry, I can't help you". I have had the same problem again twice since, and I am about to give up. Thanks, but that's a bit of a joke. 


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