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level 1683 on wp 10

Oliver_Pens Posts: 2

Level 1

After latest update this level looks impossible to clear. The keys do not appear from top. Lower key vanishes in 3 turn.


  • Baz_James
    Baz_James Posts: 861

    If you can't take the key in the first two turns then hit it with a lollipop or accept defeat would appear to be the answer to that. I agree it's a little unlikely that you'll be able to create a special candy in just the right place in two moves but it's clearly not impossible. As King gives away so many boosters these days I think you have to accept that some levels are pretty much dependent on their use.

  • Oliver_Pens
    Oliver_Pens Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Actually we need to get 4 keys in 2 turns that looks highly impossible. Get the key another one also appears at bottom.

  • Alison_Gardiner
    Alison_Gardiner Posts: 5

    Level 1

    Same problem here.  Keys are not dropping from the top section.  I used all my hammers popping them but like you said, you need 4 keys which are also supposed to drop from the top.  Is King trying to force us to buy a continuous supply of hammers to get through this level?  Also, i am playing on my phone as my iPad is no longer supported for CC. Pretty fed up.

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