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level 2290 is impossible! only 40 sec allowed, at least 1min to achieve the said points

David_Lui Posts: 21

Level 3

The way this level is designed makes it extremely difficult for players to get 125000 points, amend to 1min please 


  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497

    Hi David Lui-  Thanks for posting on King Care. We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We value the thoughts of our loyal players. 

    Here at King we are always working hard to keep our games fun and exciting. This means that from time to time we may tweak certain levels. Thanks again for the feedback, your comments will be passed on. 

    In the meantime here is a video of one of our players passing this level, I hope it can give you some pointers :-)

    Have a sweet week! 

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