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Numbers on friend list

Jan_Herod Posts: 5 Level 2

On my friends list on each level who have already played that level, what do those numbers on some of my friends names signify?

Best Answer

  • shanty831
    shanty831 Posts: 4 Newbie
    Answer ✓

    It has something to do with leagues and tournaments, neither of which seem to be available to all players.  Best I can tell is that it may be an iPhone vs android issue...hopefully android will get these features soon.  I don't even get ANY tournaments anymore.  :/


  • shanty831
    shanty831 Posts: 4 Newbie
    Answer ✓

    It has something to do with leagues and tournaments, neither of which seem to be available to all players.  Best I can tell is that it may be an iPhone vs android issue...hopefully android will get these features soon.  I don't even get ANY tournaments anymore.  :/

  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061 Community Manager

    Hi Jan,

    The number located close to your friends avatar is the high score ranking.

    If you beat your friends highscores you'll be placed top of the list.

    Currently the game will show you who's first, second and third place and If you don't make it to this high score you'll see your ranking as well as who's just above and below you in the ranking.

    Kind regards,

    - Mark, Team King Care

  • Jan_Herod
    Jan_Herod Posts: 5 Level 2

    Mark, no it's not the order of the list, it's the little encircled number on some of the players names in the list. Nobody has number 1, but there's a 2, 3 and 4. Could it have something to do with a tournament, as somebody else mentioned? Jan

  • Nuar
    Nuar Posts: 12 Level 2


    It is a number of a leaguege of tounament.

  • Lolo_Loloza
    Lolo_Loloza Posts: 7 Level 2

    Tournament isint for all players. That is most stupid rules. Its first game when i see that. I will give up bcz devs have not fair rules . Good luck.

  • Lolo_Loloza
    Lolo_Loloza Posts: 7 Level 2

    Tournament isint for all players. That is most stupid rules. Its first game when i see that. I will give up bcz devs have not fair rules . Good luck.

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