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cant remember password

Crissy_Keesee Posts: 6

Level 1

I changed my phone and I can't remember password 

it says it will send a email 

never does in regular or junk mail

how can I reset my password 



  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Hi Crissy,

    Thank you for contacting King Care! I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your password.

    Do you play on or through facebook? If you play through king, can you provide the email address that you signed up with? 

    Thank you,


  • Crissy_Keesee
    Crissy_Keesee Posts: 6

    Level 1

    edited May 2017

    I think I played w Facebook 

    but I remember making a user name fresian so I'm not sure if I went through knowing 

  • Crissy_Keesee
    Crissy_Keesee Posts: 6

    Level 1

    If I went through king 

  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985
    edited April 2017

    Okay Crissy,

    I've requested a reset password request for you, twice, (just in case :-). So check your email, spam, etc., see if you have am email. Also make sure you refresh your email page.

    So are you saying you have played through facebook or no? And it's the king password you can't remember? 

    Let me know, 


  • Crissy_Keesee
    Crissy_Keesee Posts: 6

    Level 1

    I never received a email

  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985
    edited April 2017

    Hello again Crissy! 

    Well it certainly is acknowledging your email as being registered. Is there an'y other possible folders it could be falling into? Also, does your email have a search button? I know when I can't find an email I use that, if it does just try searching for king in that search bar. MAKE SURE that you have any spam filters off on your email settings, it's obviously being blocker by something.  Also, do you have a laptop or PC you can go onto? 



  • Crissy_Keesee
    Crissy_Keesee Posts: 6

    Level 1

    edited May 2017

    I checked all my emails and no password 

    i really hope I can get back to my level

  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985


    Do you have a laptop or PC? If so, try it through there. In the meantime I'll try to get a king care moderator to look into your account.

    Thankyou for your patience, 


  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Hi Crissy,

    You should be all set now, I got word from King Admin that they fixed your issue. I hope you're able to login now.


  • Crissy_Keesee
    Crissy_Keesee Posts: 6

    Level 1

    Thank you

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