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Unlink accounts

LorenaPettersson Posts: 2

Level 1

My friend was playing Candy on my computer and accidentally synced his account with mine. so he is at the same level that I am.  Is there a way to unlink both accounts? 



  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725

    Hello Lorena,

    Could you please provide more detail as to what happened. Did your friend go into the settings menu and synchronize their account with Facebook or vice versa. Please let me know.

    Kind regards,


  • LorenaPettersson
    LorenaPettersson Posts: 2

    Level 1

    He does not have Facebook. He logged in through the homepage and when asked if he wanted to synch with my account he clicked on yes. 

  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725


    Please check your King Care inbox (top right on a computer or if you are using a mobile device, tap the the lines in the top right corner to access the menu) as I have sent you a message about this.

    Kind regards,


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