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Impossible levels

Hi- I've been playing weekly to the end of the road for a couple of years now. In the past month, it has become impossible to finish even the levels that are not rated as nightmarish, etc. I'm on 10669 and see all these videos about how to finish with no boosters. They all show 30 moves. I have only 20. I've blown through nearly all my boosters and options and can not finish the level after probably 200 attempts. No sure what is going on and have been an avid fan and player for YEARA, but I am about to quit playing. This has become a chore instead of fun and it seems like the programmers would realize that.


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,836

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for sharing hope Level designer look into , You can give feedback here

  • rawansous
    rawansous Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Same thing here!!! After years of playing and enjoying candy crush I'm thinking of quitting the game! Very very very hard levels, going to finish up my booster and there are no new boosters and gifts! As if you want us to keep buying boosters but quitting the game is easier!

  • estoner
    estoner Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Here we go again . . . .level 11617 with only 18 moves? It seems like every time I log in some level just ahead of me that was normal is now listed as nightmareishly hard. Guess I'll quit again til developers quit trying to rook into to buying stuff or doing NOTHING but playing this game. Really, it's NOT that fun and gets less so every update (which in my case, seems to be daily to make it harder).

  • hearthomehappy
    hearthomehappy Posts: 49

    Level 3

    And it never ends. Level 12304 totally ridiculous. I give up. You want to be rid of us I guess. This is totally no fun. I deleted it once a couple of years ago and am ready to again. It’s a shame that there are just enough levels that are fun and least possible - those keep ones interest in game. But the negatives of these awful impossible levels cancel out the positives at some point.

  • hearthomehappy
    hearthomehappy Posts: 49

    Level 3

    Level 12304 ridiculous/awful. I’m playing less and less-why waste life hours on something so impossible. I will soon be ready to delete it

  • spazz2020
    spazz2020 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I'm stuck bad on the same level, 12304 ... and I agree, it's been impossible to beat this level and I'm also getting fed up with it. Like you said, it's becoming less fun when a level gets you stressed out and I'm not trying to use all my boosters or gold bars only to come to another impossible level a few places up the road.

  • spiller
    spiller Posts: 145

    8740 level candy crush! Thinking back to many levels, does anyone EVER manage to complete hard levels without boosters etc.

    I had a top winning streak loaded with boosters, approaching near completion of win a certain levels in a row and all of a sudden -even using gold bars “failed”! What a con! Like so many I question the fair platform. Not relaxing at all-it’s a game without player strategy just a push to frustrate or force you to buy! Which I totally refuse as fairness would not improve this game by spending money!!!

  • spiller
    spiller Posts: 145

    I totally agree!!! It’s no fun now just a waste of time that we will never get back. Playing the same level for days on end is so irritating not as they say “swipe the stress away” it’s a scam!

  • spiller
    spiller Posts: 145

    Another point of totally irritating nonsense is the latest update has the confounding non stop hideous music that only silences by turning volume down hence your don’t hear calls coming in!!! Contact with King is ignored! Care factor is zilch from King-their silence is the only thing that is working to their advantage 😡

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