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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • themonkeygirl101
    themonkeygirl101 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I’m hoping they realize what a mistake this is!

  • Nikkih922
    Nikkih922 Posts: 5

    Level 2


  • themonkeygirl101
    themonkeygirl101 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hey King a-holes, let us play the game when we have the time to play it! Allow us to use the lives our friends have given us. Some days I don’t have time to play at all and other days I could possibly play a couple hours. Thanks for taking that away from me.

  • Avril76
    Avril76 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I can't believe they are deciding how and when I can use my lives. I saw the new feature and joined the community right away. I hate this! I hate that they can just do this. I feel violated and betrayed. Why? It is a game; however, there are people making choices for me. If they wanted to do this responsibly, you could opt into the life limit if you want to be controlled by the game you play to escape from life. Marketing folks....please use market research folks to help you with implications to moves like these. I hope you lose players that never come back and the FIRST time I hit my 20 life limit, I will be one off them!

  • melinda70
    melinda70 Posts: 1
    edited September 2022

    I've accumulated over 900 lives and was appalled to be playing only to find out that there's now a 20 life limit. I earned those lives in good faith, interacting with the CC community both sending and receiving lives. I'm on level 4866, but this very well may be the last time I play if this is not remedied. It's definitely the last time I'll be making a purchase. I hope King will reconsider this move as it is incredibly unfriendly to all players.

  • hmastri
    hmastri Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited September 2022

    What the hell??!!! I played my limit of lives for the day??? Why??? This is BS! If I want to play cc all day, that's on me. I have over 300 lives to play n now I have a daily limit! I'm pissed!! N if u think I'm gonna spend money buying lives, your out of your mind! 😡

    Not happy

  • chrisjen
    chrisjen Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Not happy about this life change. I will not purchase anymore, and will not play for most of the day, and will find something else to abide my time.

  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,236

    Sorry the game is not broken. This is the way king changed the game.

  • yellowrose3611
    yellowrose3611 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Deleting and playing game NOT. a King game.

  • betchance
    betchance Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Please stop limited lives, this is my favorite mind relaxer and I play a lot, just built my friends list up and they do send lives, which I return back, now with the limited lives, I can't play as much, thanks

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