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Is Anyone Else Upset About Losing Reward Time ???

gentlenurse Posts: 9

Level 2

I have to tell you this new "life limit" that has been given to us, along with not receiving lives sent by friends (& not because they weren't sent to us) really sucks !!! I finally won big on the Let's Climb Game and I didn't have enough lives to use even 1/2 the time of the rewards I won. Because of this my streak through the levels came to an abrupt end....Thanks A Lot. What's the use of playing the game if you lose your rewards waiting for lives to cone to you. Please Go Back to the Way It Was !!! I can't be the only one this is happening to. If it doesn't get fixed soon I'm just going to delete game ....BTW - if you've asked me gor a life I Have Sent You One !!!


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,137

    Hi and Welcome to the King Comunity

    Thank you for the feedback , If you miss a reward from any other feature, please report this to our Player Support Team here

    The screen shots are from all stats features and there are no rewards given from those.

    Thank you

  • nangarten59
    nangarten59 Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I agree, but who are they to put limits on how much we play, it's all about the money, if our friends are sending us life's we don't have to buy any so king isn't happy about that, so supposedly they put a. Limit on it, so if I can't receive any life's I'm not sending out life's and I'm not buying a damn thing

  • kristensherman
    kristensherman Posts: 4

    Level 1

    This is so greedy and wrong. You have one of the top games with top number of players. Obviously you are making millions and now you want to limit the number of lives we can accept so that we will be forced to by lives. Die hard players will always spend money whether it be on extra moves or tools. This is a big deterrent for me and I will no longer be an every day player and will never spend another $. Greed is something I cannot support.

  • Évavali7
    Évavali7 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Igen ideges vagyok. 12209. Pályán tartok, Nagyos sok barátom van akikkel életeket küldünk. Sajnos most szinte helyben járok, vannak nehéz pályák, amit nem lehet 20 élettel se megcsinálni. A jutalmak összegyüjtése is nehéz, mert lejár az idő,mire meglenne. Mikor kigyűlt nehezen, nem kaptam meg a jutalmat. Néha vasároltam aranyrudat, de az sem megoldás. Ha nem fog visszaállni, törlöm a játékot.😡😡😡

  • PoolGirl574
    PoolGirl574 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I agree. They suggest friends to grow your network, but what's the point? I had over 100 lives but you can't use them.Then they increased their prices to buy anything. I'm not sure inflation should be reflected in game tokens too.

  • What about the feedback on the lives? You are losing the message

  • Diana_Milone
    Diana_Milone Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Well the 14.99 package offered to me I would have bought in a heartbeat before. 2 hours of unlimited lives and 80 cold bars etc. But I am passing on spending any monies because of the life limits. I agree with the person above who said the die hard players will buy no matter what.

  • copas
    copas Posts: 255

    It is a disaster the new limit and Candy doesn’t offer a solution

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?