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Issue with 2613

Libby_Turner Posts: 2 Newbie

My PC version has only 30 moves for CC Level 2613. Originally it had 40 moves so there is no help available that I can find for how to pass this level. Will you please give back the extra 10 moves? Otherwise, it seems impossible. I really like this game and don't want to quit. Also, why does the game continue to put the player back up to his or her present level while trying to collect Sugar drops? Very annoying! Third question-- It seems that mobile version is in synch with the PC version concerning the amount of Gold Bars a player has, but not the number of boosters. This is tough when traveling and playing on a mobile only because the mobile is NEVER at the highest level available like the PC has. A player cannot move forward. Please answer with some help! Thank you. L Turner


  • slavffl
    slavffl Posts: 25 Level 2

    Yeah this is stupid there aren't enough moves.  You need about 15 to 20 moves just to get enough stripes that you can get some colors up top.  At that point you have 10 moves to try and knock out 50 jellies.  It's so dumb I hate when they do this crap - did the first 5 people that got to this level pass at 40 moves and that was enough to justify dropping it by 10 moves. So they said screw everyone else we're dropping the moves by a quarter - good luck trying to pass it now!  

  • Sorsha30
    Sorsha30 Posts: 19 Level 2

    candy crush is just getting too hard to play, this level is awful. I feel like i am just sat waiting til that one winning board comes up, (which usually comes up when i have 1 life left) it's so boring i am not even concentrating on the moves, just mindlessly moving them. Thanks for the boredom King!

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