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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • mbmanka
    mbmanka Posts: 9

    Level 2

    I refuse to spend any money until the lives limit is removed. The game is now so boring, I am about to just quit altogether!

  • TinaBrown57
    TinaBrown57 Posts: 99

    Level 3

    I've been on and off with this game with the changes to lives going back to June, not a penny spent since the change like a lot of you as its pointless due to the limit of lives, I have stopped adding new friends as that is pointless too as your only allowed 20 lives a day anyway so why add more friends? I use to add them and always exchanged my lives for a live but that isn't the case now, I might as well just have 20 friends to get my 20 lives.

    Candy crush we are not thick and stupid, we can play mind games too by not spending money and not adding new friends, (20 friends for 20 lives is all we need then)

    You are not listening to your loyal players who have played for years, you probably do not even look at this thread, but I bet your players and money is down.

    Get a grip candy and reinstate our lives before you lose this game forever, it has upset so many people with how you've treated loyal players so do the good thing give us our lives, we will start spending again, easy really isn't it if you had a brain.

  • i have 500 lives and i cannot use it this is the only game that i can play until i sleep but now theres a limit i hate it 😠😠😠

  • If I have a lot of friends, they send me lives every day, reaching 200 lives per day: what the hell am I limited to get 20 lives on a daily basis? IS IT A JOKE? Please get back to the unlimited use of lives. This is simply unfair.

  • kackymarie
    kackymarie Posts: 17

    Level 2

    This is ridiculous! Only 20 saved lives? That is just wrong. The only reason you are doing this is so we will buy lives. I have already spent WAY too much money on this game. You are not going to help yourself with this stupid move. People will leave

    Also, when I spend over $7 for more lives and only get ONE move. Wrong!!!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,102

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    I would suggest you give your feedback here. Thank you

  • Bumblebee
    Bumblebee Posts: 3

    Level 1

    The stupidest thing Candy Crush did so far limiting lives!! I AM NOT spending a PENNY on the game. Rather uninstall it and BYYEEEE! Why tf they even care how much I play and if I'm using 5 or 55 lives a day.

  • Bumblebee
    Bumblebee Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Well if you are reading all the comments and trying to make improvements and adjustments, then you can see by all the replies, you made HUGE mistake by limiting lives and how much we can play. Why tf you even care how much we play or use lives?? Doesn't matter is it 5 or 555 a day!! Money grabbing, greedy cons. That's what you've became!! Congrats!!

  • riarock1
    riarock1 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Restricting lives is nothing more than their way of making us spend more money, something no one needs to do right now with how bad inflation has been. I've been playing this game for many years, and as many others do, I use it as a way to help calm my anxiety. Restricting the amount of lives we can use in a day not only hinders our game playing but actually has an effect on some people's Mental Health. You literally advertise this game as having the ability to help people "swipe the stress away" and then restrict their ability to do so. If it continues I will be deleting the app and finding something new to play. If I want to spend money to play a game, I will, but I will not be forced to do so. Please listen to your customers or you'll be losing many of us.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,102


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?