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Cheater on Candy Cup !

weird0 Posts: 10

Level 2

edited October 2022 in Support

So i've messaged you twice from the web and once from email with pictures and all you do is telling me to join the community wow and about the cheaters its all fine, as i said in my previous messages after 60-90 min the cup started few of us with constant play reached around 40k and i guy shows up from nowhere with 106k which is impossible it took mi 4 h playing without brake constantly passing levels to pass him and i've continue to play late at night just to reach a little above 194k so i got stuck on a lvl and today the guy was still sitting on 106k so i've played the 5 lives that i have and 4 more from friends which took me no more then 10-15min and guess what in those 10-15 min the guy went from 106k to 240k so please explain that.



  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hi @weird0,

    I understood your feeling and the situation you were in. In my personal opinion, it is very challenging to determine whether that person is cheating or not. That person could be playing 24/7 or have more gold bars to buy extra lives/timed boosters etc. that enables him to pass each level without any obstacles.

    I've personally spent a certain amount of gold bars just to keep playing and staying at the top. It's not easy but I managed to get about 200K green candies too with 100 over levels played within the competition period. I'm now at the final stage and contemplating whether to go big or go home 😅😅.

    Good luck to us!

  • weird0
    weird0 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    so after my post he went from 240k to 345k so wow he must be playing really really fast and has tons of gold also another guy who was just behind me in 20min went 30k above me se yea very fast players, so please inform the one who can check what's going on cause that's not possible and if i'm wrong i will apologise and leave the cup.

  • weird0
    weird0 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    and now from 345k to 456k and nothing is suspicious here for you? you won't do nothing? you won't escalate this to someone who can check his play time and activity? or you simply support cheat's and we should all use it right?

  • weird0
    weird0 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    from 35 view on the post went down on 3 hahaha lovely community and super non-answering admins!, looks like no one cares about cheaters.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hi @weird0

    If you can provide the screenshot of the cheater, I can pass on to the studio for checking but as mentioned before, it will be challenging to check on them just by their username.

    There 14 hours left for the tournament to end and I'm lvling up like crazy.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Also, bear in mind that some players play with multiple devices. So it's possible that they lvl up fast cos they can move from one device to another when the lives are used up.

    I play with 2 mobile phones and interchange when I'm out of lives.

    I'm just sharing the possibility and strategies that other players will adopt just to stay on top.

    I'm not surprised if that player have tonnes of gold bars to spare.


  • weird0
    weird0 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    he didnt pass through all the positions to number 1 he just pop up there out of nowhere

    so from 106k there is no points in between he jump to 248k

    again the same no points in between just jump to 345k

    then 450k, 500k, 550k and now over 800k so just 50k and 100k jumps, ive spend hours and hours i never saw him progress 1k 2k 3k like we get from any lvl.

  • bellablock
    bellablock Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Same happended to me! Played hard but other user jumped up with 80k in few mins! you cannot play 80k with multiple devices in few mins!!!! it't annoying, that no one checks this! There are a lot of fair players which will be rediculed by such cheater! I'm really upset!

  • weird0
    weird0 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    there is another one i knew it that will happen so i did screenshot

    15min before the end and i end up 3rd place so how did he manage 66k in 15min

  • bellablock
    bellablock Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Same here. only 30 mins for 150k. that would be 5k per minute! not possible!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?