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BigPapasWife6212 Posts: 7

Level 1

I purchased the 61% off discount  2 levels ago and it won't let me go any further now. Pissed. 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Have you been able to go any further since you wrote this?  If not, try to clear out the history.  Hopefully you have been playing through Facebook so log out and log back in to Facebook and it should take you to your current level. 

  • BigPapasWife6212
    BigPapasWife6212 Posts: 7

    Level 1

    Elsa, yes ma'am. After the 12 hours were up I was allowed another section. Now it'  stopped again. 

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Are you referring to episodes when you say another section?  What level are you at?  

  • BigPapasWife6212
    BigPapasWife6212 Posts: 7

    Level 1

    I'm on level 3020. Yes each episode. Not full level. 

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    If you are playing on your computer/laptop it only goes to 3020.  Tomorrow a new episode will be out and it will go to 3035.  Each episode is only 15 levels so it sounds like you've reached the top on your computer and every Wednesday another new episode is released.  

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