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Stuck at 3020

LouLou-3 Posts: 10

Level 1

I can't go beyond level 3020 even though I have passed it.....the next levels haven't loaded.  I'm playing on a Macbook through Face book


  • parlady99
    parlady99 Posts: 378

    LouLou, I am having the same problem.  I am playing on a Dell through Facebook and have not had this problem before.  Write to Candy Crush; but did not get an answer that helped. 

  • kpcdcass
    kpcdcass Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am playing both on a PC and my Samsung Galaxy S Tab2 and cannot play beyond Level 3020 on either platform!!

  • Eric_T
    Eric_T Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I am at the same level.  There will be no more levels added by King Care.  I'm not sure if it will continue through another platform. Or if it will carry on from 3020.  Ouch!

  • LouLou-3
    LouLou-3 Posts: 10

    Level 1

    LouLou, I am having the same problem.  I am playing on a Dell through Facebook and have not had this problem before.  Write to Candy Crush; but did not get an answer that helped. 

    glad it's not just me then!
  • LouLou-3
    LouLou-3 Posts: 10

    Level 1

    I am playing both on a PC and my Samsung Galaxy S Tab2 and cannot play beyond Level 3020 on either platform!!

    glad it's not just me then!
  • Diane_L_Love
    Diane_L_Love Posts: 4

    Level 1

     I’ve also been stuck on level 3020. It won’t let me advance. It’s saying there’s no more levels. I think It’s been a whole week now. I play on my iPhone 8plus.  I know there’s more levels. Because people are showing videos on YouTube. I’m extremely frustrated. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?