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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! (2022)



  • Managed to get through level 12916 with the help of some boosters. Now stuck on level 12919. Don’t even come close with 30 moves since there are so many blockers now. I’ve lost my episode race, so it’s not worth using any gold bars. Can’t find any videos that don’t use boosters or extra moves or with the extra blockers. Please fix this level.

  • venkatsrini
    venkatsrini Posts: 59

    Level 3

    Level 12862. Horrible and giving two options to me now.

    1. Use gold bar. ( I don't have)

    2.Quit the game.

    I feel option 2 will give me peace of mind.

    Thanks 🙏

  • venkatsrini
    venkatsrini Posts: 59

    Level 3

    Team king.

    pls give 500 gold bars every week to continue playing this type of levels in your game.


  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 609

    level 13081 is ridiculously hard, two days and I can't make a dent in it...23 moves are not enough

  • LilaHummer
    LilaHummer Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Thanks! I finally made it through a level! Thanks for the help whomever!!!! Need more help, though! I feel greedy asking but have passed only maybe three levels in 7 or 8 days! Will take any good luck anyone wants to pass on. Good luck to EVERYONE!

  • slly2216
    slly2216 Posts: 45

    Level 3

    Level 20 until nausea...impossible

  • Stuck on level 12924! With only 20 moves it’s near impossible without boosters & extra moves. All available videos have more moves & less blockers. The level is not labeled as hard. Please fix.

  • Pattyt67
    Pattyt67 Posts: 247

    I can’t find a video even close to 24 moves! Disappointing ! Fix this King. Such an unequal game!

  • Stuck at yet another level - 12928. Too many blockers & not enough moves to come close. No videos show a winning board with the current version. I will be stuck since I don’t have enough gold bars for extra moves & no way to earn any. Boosters only help a little. Please fix this level.

  • Pattyt67
    Pattyt67 Posts: 247

    It’s a constant! We don’t get enough moves to pass a level. But they will offer 3 different ways to buy boosters! I’m only doing this for a limited time. Then I’m done! I’m not supporting unfairness to anyone!!!

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