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We want your feedback on the levels 13 131 - 13 190



  • feliciadaniel
    feliciadaniel Posts: 70

    Level 3

    Level 13186 only has 20 moves, need help with it.

  • Blister
    Blister Posts: 210

    Had stopped playing some time ago. Thought I'd give it another go, but stopping again, what absolute rubbish. Hardly any levels are passable with the moves given. One level with 20 moves needed 50 extra moves, so that was 70 moves a UFO , hammers and a free swap. I needed to use 26 gold bars for the moves and my well earned last UFO. Now the episode race has disappeared, so that is what I will do again, disappear. I'll check again in a month or so to see if anything has improved. But from the lack of the normal feedback from months ago I don't think many are bothered anymore and I know why. King it's clear you don't take any notice of feedback given, shame as it used to be such a brilliant game, it's just a laugh now and not in a good way. I know a few who are still playing but they are getting ready to give up as well. Appreciate it's all about money but even those still paying will stop with the rubbish being dished out now.

  • feliciadaniel
    feliciadaniel Posts: 70

    Level 3

    Need more moves on level 13186. Thanks.

  • geln77
    geln77 Posts: 60

    Level 3

    its hard to pick out a least favourite level these days, since they all require ufos, party hats and 35 extra’s an example. Played level 13 180 (hour of free play / boosters) ..didn’t even come a little bit close…not only that, but with all that free play and booster help, the game DID NOT ONCE place a colour bomb next to ANY other pre game booster. - which, if this were random, is statistically improbable/ impossible. You might win this one with a colour bomb + wrapped blue candy as a starter move + 15 -20 moves at the end, otherwise you’ll just have to buy party hats for this one.

  • geln77
    geln77 Posts: 60

    Level 3

    of course I’m not buying party hats - or extra moves - or boosters that do absolutely nothing. I’ll watch ads for extra moves at the end of a level..that’s it. Considering ad revenue is most of King’s business, they should be happy that I’m supporting their ad based revenue stream. If your level is un-winnable, just stop. Quit before the ads are offered…and don’t buy extra moves - or they’ll continue to make unsolvable levels, only for people with credit cards and 4 extra dollars a day to spend on a game that used to be free/ fun.

  • Tulipanonero
    Tulipanonero Posts: 72

    Level 3

    sorry to repeat myself but all the levels are bad, the game has become ugly.

  • Tulipanonero
    Tulipanonero Posts: 72

    Level 3

    It is no longer possible to play and enjoy, just levels with few moves and too many jellies to clear. They just have fun. Only they win.

  • MarilynRoss
    MarilynRoss Posts: 22

    Level 3

    A lot of levels were constantly shuffling after every move and there was often only one move to make. Based upon this I’d say the levels were poorly designed. Absolutely no strategy or skill required which is boring. Let’s face it. CC designs levels that require at least 50 moves, but only give you 20 hoping that you’ll spend money to buy gold bars and boosters.

  • SimonkaT
    SimonkaT Posts: 3

    Level 1

    13147 ... 18 moves???? Really? You must hate players very much :(

  • klaas1958
    klaas1958 Posts: 17

    Level 2

    the last maybe 100 or so levels king has changed their business model, by forcing people to buy gold bars to get the 35 extra moves, because most of the levels even the ones marked as easy are impossible to complete with the given amount of moves, als before you needed to try a level many times and after each try you would get +1 move, couple of months or so ago they went to +3, and now its even +7, so you get to the 35 levels sooner and buy 10 bars, now its not so much a problem for me cause i earned 900+ bars in the past, so i can continue playing, but the fact is, it’s no fun anymore, when you start a level and after a few moves you already realize, oh its that kind of level again, impossible, after 1300+ levels of fun playing, it’s. goodbye for me

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