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New year same rubbish

It now seems candy crush think having impossible levels every 2nd level is too easy now it is almost every level. You use all available boosters spend your gold if you have any left and still have absolutely no chance of completing levels which is a complete scam. Already the worst online game of 2023 and we are only 10 days in. Does anyone actually enjoy playing this game anymore because all it does now is annoy and anger me.


  • Xxander
    Xxander Posts: 5,902

    Yess, i do enjoy the game.

    If it angers you, you should no be playing anymore or try to see it as a game.

    I do see it as relaxing (pass or not) so for me the best game ever, still.

    Enjoy this lovely day.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Hi Xxander, you are fairly new to the Community, nice to meet you. From your reply to John_Sanders I take it you are not on the higher levels as if you was you would understand what John is talking about. Unfortunately a week after new levels are released for Windows 10 players, King change the levels drastically making them impossible for mobile players to pass without loads of boosters and/or extra moves requiring gold bars. I am in the 13,000's and I am guessing John is as well as what he has put echos what a lot of players on the higher levels feel and are saying. King ask for feedback on the new levels, which is what John has given, but unfortunately King don't take any notice and keep the levels impossible one after the other. Because King don't take any notice it has stopped a lot of long term, high level players bothering to give feedback.

    It is easy to say, if it angers you, you should not be playing or try to see it as a game. Believe me a lot of long term players have now stopped, but some of us carry on hoping King will see sense and make it fun and relaxing again as it still is for those on the lower levels.

    It's nice that you find the game relaxing and I really hope King start listening to those on the higher levels so that when you get there it's still relaxing for you.

    Take care and hope you enjoy your day.

  • Xxander
    Xxander Posts: 5,902

    Hello Carol.

    It was a sarcastic attent on the person. I DO get what the problem is. And i DO get the frustation.... What i do NOT get is every day, divers post trying to get people to stop playing...

    I might nog be long on the forum, that doesn't mean im stupid or dont know how things work.

    Anyway, my sarcasme wasn't getting tru i guess. My english isnt my native language.

    Nice to meet you to though.... ๐Ÿ˜‰ And thanks for a decent awnser

  • kashcandy
    kashcandy Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I'm in the 13000s and no, I no longer enjoy playing CC. The levels are absolutely ridiculous at this point. I've already given my feedback but I suspect it doesn't matter.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?