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We want your feedback on the levels 13 296 - 13 340



  • I agree with your opinion on that level. There are too many blockers to clear in the given number of moves!

  • Russ_Boudrie
    Russ_Boudrie Posts: 66

    Level 3

    Nothing has been done to make these winable without paying money. I am playing other games now and will not waste the time playing something impossible.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,031

    Level 13315 is impossible. Not more to say really. Whose idea was it to reduce the moves down to 18??????? Please someone look into this. Good thing I have some gold bars left to wait until I get 35 extra moves for them.

  • MrT2
    MrT2 Posts: 100

    Fully agree. This is ridiculous. Plus not even rated with a skull.

  • MrT2
    MrT2 Posts: 100

    Anyone looking at 13315 …. Even with starting boosters and the video ufo at the end, no way you can complete this in 18 moves without using gold bars for more moves … and why is this not listed as “difficult” or, more accurately “nightmarishly difficult”.

  • NathalieMaria
    NathalieMaria Posts: 62

    Level 3

    I am now at the level 13327...from 32 moves they took 11 moves. How to play like this? Is not fun at all. They say to give our feedback here, but i never see any improvment after i write... It supposed to be fun to play... but is getting more frustrating. Also the winter quests is not working for me. I am on the quest 2 to collect stars and keep saying that i have 0 stars although i won 3 levels with 3 stars. Shame on you candy crush. I understand you want to earn money, but not like this

  • Russ_Boudrie
    Russ_Boudrie Posts: 66

    Level 3

    I am of the same belief as you Nathalie, It is not fun anymore and I have cut my play time down to around 5 games a day from one hundred or more. Very frustrating anymore and not worth the anguish. I am in the process of finding another game to take Candy Crush's place. I am on level 13330 and it is impossible with the allotted moves given. When I find the replacement game I will be as dedicated to it as I was with Candy Crush. I doubt this letter will help either. Good luck to you.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,031

    Level 13330 is impossible, and this time I really mean impossible. There are far too many blockers on this board to even do this with an extra 35 moves. They are doing this on purpose, so if it doesn't get changed it is the end.

  • Russ_Boudrie
    Russ_Boudrie Posts: 66

    Level 3

    I played my last CC game tonight on Level 13330 and needed the last cherry to show on board with 17 moves left and it did NOT show up. The Level has made up my mind to cease playing for good. It was fun up to about level 12000 but got horrible after that. Looking for a new game the last week or so and I will find one. Good luck to those who stay on. I am deleting the game from comp, tablet and phone. Enough is enough

  • MrT2
    MrT2 Posts: 100

    Finally passed with starting boosters. Video color bomb and hand let me start with 2 exploding color bombs. Used several hands during the game. Used after game video boosters: 3 extra levels + ufo. And still needed about 10 hands/hammers and luck. Not fun at all. This is no longer game play.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?