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change facebook account

YesidR Posts: 18

Level 2

Hello, I have changed my facebook account for a new one and all my progress is in the previous one, how do I recover my progress with my new facebook account?

I already have an account started with king and with mail but it is synchronized with the old facebook account, what should I do so that I stay with my new facebook account?

@Crazy Cat Lad @Diamond_Lim @Sickfrog @HechBi @kiara_wael @aijaziqbal 


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,947

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    If you have saved the games on one Facebook and want top open a new account, that new account will start all your games on level 1.

    The games cannot be transferred or synced between different Facebook accounts.

    What you can do is to open the games on the new Facebook account and then contact Player Support Team here and ask them to put you on the same level in the games you play. Please note that no Gold Bars, Boosters or level scores will be transferred. You will only be on the same level.

  • YesidR
    YesidR Posts: 18

    Level 2

    thank you, so much. i will contact them. 😁

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