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  • Level 13873 impossible with 20 moves. Help to pass it.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,115
    edited April 2023

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thanks for replying. Level 7052 is tricky level . The key is only one. To full down last cherry. Its use frog

    Please check this video

  • michaelpleva
    michaelpleva Posts: 8

    Level 2

    edited April 2023

    I agree. My new high score is 321160. Yes. My score is well beyond three stars. I just cannot get it to sugar stars.

  • Totothedog
    Totothedog Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I realise that the King Candy Crush Saga game makers want to make money - but at least be realistic about the number of goes that enable a win. It is clear that hard levels require many tries and after a number (many) of tries and lives expended, the game will suddenly 'resolve' and you win - but only after any chance of staying in a race is gone. Can we at least be given enough goes for a skilful shot at winning through being able to work it out rather than just expectantly losing time and again until the system lets us through?

    Also, what is with the Candy prize in the race instead of lives???? Seriously? Talk about losing incentive to stay in the race..................

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,184
    edited April 2023

    Hi @Totothedog What level are you playing? I'm not even sure they EVER give players the free pass you describe any more, not once you are past a certain level (10,000 maybe?). I'd be interested to hear from anyone who still gets the lucky board that will suddenly "resolve" and let you win, as you describe. In the community here we hear from players who literally have been stuck for over two weeks on one level.

  • Totothedog
    Totothedog Posts: 13

    Level 2

    edited April 2023

    Hi @christinewupp yes, only 3057, I am frustrated is all that I can't even use some game plan to beat the level. For sure. You are correct, disappointing is all

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,184
    edited April 2023

    Thanks for your answer. You are not alone. It seems that you have got to the point in the game where they have made the levels really hard, there are others stuck roughly where you are. Skill is not part of Candy Crush any more. The levels are fixed by algorithms that determine what candies drop at the top. King developers change the algorithms every week for some levels. Some higher levels are even impossible without spending lots of money. They might make it easier again in weeks to come. I'm not giving up hope yet.

  • Totothedog
    Totothedog Posts: 13

    Level 2

    edited April 2023

    Isn't it disappointing! What made it fun was the skill needed. I am glad to hear I am not alone - which the makers would listen to the complaints. Instead of going after the money 😒😐

  • Totothedog
    Totothedog Posts: 13

    Level 2

    Totally agree @brun0r0ch4 they are making it all about forcing players to spend money and it is no longer about being able to beat a level if you can work out how to! Seriously disappointing and why bother trying. I just get lives, play levels without really trying until I have played them so much that I think the computer algorithm gets sick of the numerous attempts and lets me through. No other way to do it which is totally defeating. No longer the fun, skill based game it used to be unfortunately.

  • l finally passed it with 98 movemens and ufo, it seems incredible to me , the help we need is to set the objectives according to the real movemens.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?