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Sending lives

kelmckel128 Posts: 2

Level 1

Why do some "friends" on your friends list only request lives and not send lives too? I always send and request a life at the same time


  • Because they are selfish

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    I do think maybe they don't understand how it works. If you are out of lives the game suggests you ask friends for lives, so people do that. But they may not realise that you can send lives to others WITHOUT losing those lives yourself. I have often wondered about this myself. Maybe players think they'll have to give lives out of their own daily allowance and that's why they don't.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    A lot of people only send lives using the in-level Send Lives button. The problem with this is that you can only send lives to people that have already completed the level that you are playing.

    So if you are near the end of the map that works out okay, but if you are at level 4000 or less this can cause issues. So if you request a life and you are at 12,000 you might be sending it to someone lower down the map that only uses the in-level send button.

  • JennBuff
    JennBuff Posts: 68

    Level 3

    Because not everyone knows that they need to go to see all friends and send and request lives per friend individually. They only see the option to check the box and Accept all. Which only sends requested lives and accepts their lives received.

    Some others dont even know that there is a way to set notifications that you have lives and requests. They just keep buying their own lives.

  • saulorio
    saulorio Posts: 75

    Level 3

    … Se precisar de vidas, posso ajudar.

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