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hi im on level 3360, why do i only have 11 moves when everyone else has 24, its impossible to do??

Thara_Muirhead Posts: 4 Newbie

not enough moves on the level i am playing, everyone else has 24 moves i only have 11? why hav I lost all the same moves as everyone else, hardly seems fair??


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,783 Sweet Legend

    Hi Thara, here is a video with 11 moves.  See if this helps you clear it:

  • Thara_Muirhead
    Thara_Muirhead Posts: 4 Newbie

    Hi Thara, here is a video with 11 moves.  See if this helps you clear it:

    thats level 3380 im on 3360, i get 11 moves but everyone who posts videos on utube has 24 moves?
  • Thara_Muirhead
    Thara_Muirhead Posts: 4 Newbie

    Well that was a waste of my time asking a question on here as you gave me an answer that was irrelevent to my question, answered with a video that wasnt the level I am on, then ignored me when I replied.  Anyone else know the reason why I only have 11 moves instead of 24??  On level 3360 not 3380 as in video posted above!!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,783 Sweet Legend

    Hi Thara, I apologize for sending you the incorrect video.  I spent the greater part of yesterday responding to the players issues and it was a genuine mistake.  And when were you ignored when you replied because I just see your original question above and this is the first reply to my message?  Being rude is not going to get you anywhere!  I am a volunteer, a King Superstar, who doesn't get paid and who spends the majority of my time here trying to help you and others!  I just checked on Google for your level, level 3360, and there are NO videos for 11 moves.  So please take your rudeness and wait for someone else to help you!

  • Thara_Muirhead
    Thara_Muirhead Posts: 4 Newbie

    I replied to you answer yesterday straight after you replied to me, but that reply seems to have disapeared!!!  I find your attitude disgusting towards someone that was mearly asking for help.  I was unaware that you personally are a volunteer as it doesn't actually give me that information on here at all anywhere in your reply or on the page, so to be so curt and disgusting in your reply to someone who was mearly asking a question is not very good customer service.  I was not told that you yourself had spent all your day volunteering to answer peoples questions!!!!  I only stated that when I posted a reply to your answer that I had been ignored, as I had as it took alnost 24 hours for someone to reply, that was me stating a fact not me having a go at you.Here in fact is the link to the page where someone else has 24 lives on level 3360, this was one of many.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?