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13744 Impossible with 20 moves. Can never do without adjustment

dopje Posts: 997 Level 2

13744 How many times do you have to play this level before everything falls into place. Don't even get rid of the keys yet. Impossible Everything is wrong always black screen unbelievable what is this.

How is it possible that 4 people from the fast race complete the entire session in 2 days. just not right.


  • moresweetie
    moresweetie Posts: 12 Level 2

    I’ve played 13744 for several days and I think maybe I could pass it if I used my last remaining gold bars for the 65 moves, then hammers and hand switches. And I won’t be able to get the 10 gold bars from the candy box because I’m running out of time. I think the only way the fast racers pass is by buying lives, gold bars, whatever or if their boards are like the different ones posted weeks ago on YouTube, with many more moves to start. So many of the levels now are unpassable without the extra moves. It’s neither fair nor fun. I continue to play in the hope King will make the levels the same for all and stop changing them, always making them difficult to impossible to pass with the moves given. I’ve enjoyed playing but don’t see myself continuing much longer.

  • dopje
    dopje Posts: 997 Level 2

    Yes, such a pity that you can only finish a level with a double color bomb to start with and then you still have to have gold bars for 65 extra moves in the hope that it will work. Without it, you're stuck for days and you don't win anything. It remains a misery. You also hardly get any boosters anymore Too bad about the once so fun game.

  • vancouver
    vancouver Posts: 17 Level 2

    The only reason for these ridiculously impossible levels like 13744 is to get you guys to spend $$ in order to pass. Don’t you get it?

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