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Cotton candy machines hurt my eyes

Latecia Posts: 3 Newbie

When the steam shoots out of the top of the cotton candy machines and lingers for a second each turn it hurts my eyes. Is there anything that could be done about this? I can no longer play these levels easily at night because it gives me a headache pretty quickly. I've talked to a few friends and they agree. I really appreciate when you fixed the issue of the gold and yellow bombs looking too similar. Thank you.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend

    Hi Latecia, sorry for the delay in responding but thank you for writing us here at King Care. Are you still having this issue? Do you still need help?  I don't remember seeing a cotton candy machine so maybe you are a tester.  Could you do a print screen and upload it here so I can see what is going on?

  • Latecia
    Latecia Posts: 3 Newbie

    Sorry, I guess they're called magic mixers. Yes, still having a problem with the graphics of it.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend

    Oh those magic mixers where you have to hit them 5 times before they explode - is that it?  I am going to forward this to a King Admin because maybe she has heard of other people having this issue.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?