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Disappearing ingredients

Miriam_ Posts: 61

Level 3

I have noticed that on various levels ingredients disappear without being counted. It happens often when you hit a ingredient with a striped candy, a candybomb or a coconutwheel. Please CC fix this, because it's impossible to finish a level when this happens time after time. 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Hi Miriam, sorry for the delay in responding.  You haven't mentioned what levels you are seeing this so without that information we cannot report this to the King team.  The next time it happens to you can you please take a print screen and upload it here on King Care?  If it's more than one levels please report all levels with print screens.

  • Kate_M
    Kate_M Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This happened to me on level 2440 - fish destroyed the ingredient & level could not be finished. I lost all my helmet boosters. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?