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Why can't Opt Out of Candy Royale!



  • donbis
    donbis Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited June 2023

    I agree stop forcing us to play candy royale we should be able to delete it if we don't want to play it. Also admin playing and getting two to three hundred wins at the start screws the rest of us over I'm about ready to stop playing all together

  • Marginla
    Marginla Posts: 13

    Level 2

    edited June 2023

    Candy Royale is and always has been and is a waste of time. Please get rid of it!

  • I Play Alone
    I Play Alone Posts: 15

    Level 2

    edited June 2023

    I thought the missing X was a glitch on my laptop, so I am glad to hear that I am not alone in finding the lack of it annoying. I usually skip the Candy Royale challenge because I struggle with a lot of the levels, but now I am being forced to play whether I wish to play or not.

  • kiwiy2k
    kiwiy2k Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This mini game is trash. I NEVER played it before and I DONT WANT TO BE FORCED TO PLAY IT NOW. FIX THIS!!😡

  • Sabrina_Spellman
    Sabrina_Spellman Posts: 262
    edited June 2023

    Today, Not now Button is gone in CR.

    Not now Button from May 23th (Old Screenshot), before removed feature until early June.

  • tmsanchez0721
    tmsanchez0721 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited June 2023

    I am disappointed that you guys took away the option to exit candy royale, Honestly it should be moved as a whole! It’s the least favorite about candy crush and I often binge from playing cause it’s annoying! PLEASE REMOVE CANDY ROYALE

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,014
    edited June 2023

    Thanks for the tip. However Candy Crush does all the above things too, up to level 1250 where I currently play, at leastl. Well maybe not the lives generating, but you don't need that around level 1000, they are so easy to beat. Be aware that other games may use the same strategy, to get players to enjoy the game and get addicted, and then start to frustrate and extract money much further down the line.

  • LeonieR1
    LeonieR1 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited June 2023

    Yep, also popped over to see if I was the only one who hates Candy Royale. Now I have no choice to avoid the annoying thing. Not to mention all the other 'add friends' 'this is how you do this/that/the other thing that repeat every single time.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,014
    edited June 2023

    There are so many posts here about Candy Royale I really don't understand why it is that it is not being changed back to the opt out x.

    Can one of the moderators explain why the team are still testing this feature? Not EVERY new feature is necessarily a good idea just on the merit that is increases income for King. This one is just too annoying to too many players. The long term implications should be taken into account, too. Players will leave because of all these annoying pop ups to click through.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?