can someone help please crush wont load on my laptop goes to downloading then king comes up and then i get a message up top saying this page is slowing firefox stop so i press stop and there ends my game just stays where it is
I've been having the same problem this week with Mozilla Firefox. I get the same message about slowing Mozilla Firefox. I've always played here, on my desktop computer.
Edge and Chrome always really raise my CPU so I don't use them. Never had this issue with Firefox.
I have had to put it on my phone to play not happy as I like a big screen also takes my power down so have to keep it on charge while playing so only play once a day now other king games playing up on mozilla firefox as well
I have had to put it on my phone to play not happy as I like a big screen also takes my power down so have to keep it on charge while playing so only play once a day now other king games playing up on mozilla firefox as well getting fed up now