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Why can't Opt Out of Candy Royale!



  • TerriM
    TerriM Posts: 103
    edited July 2023

    I agree, they can change the amount of levels with the number of games you play but can put an opt out feature on it???

    I can't even use my back button anymore!!

  • LaurieYN
    LaurieYN Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I am ready to quit Candy Crush. First you take away ads to watch to get more moves (making it take days to pass a level, I am on 12,229), and now you make me play something I know I will NEVER accomplish. Frustrating...

  • meltrex123
    meltrex123 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited July 2023

    Shut that candy royale Off for the love of sanity. I've never liked it. It takes away from power up timer usage. Very annoying.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,783
    edited July 2023

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback. This issues is being investigated. For more info here

  • ErinLacey
    ErinLacey Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited July 2023

    Please Please Please do something about Candy Royale! You can't back out of it anymore and it's a waste of time.

  • Larksong
    Larksong Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited July 2023

    The only game I choose to play is Candy Crush Saga. No frills. No contests. No challenges. Just the game. By failing to give the option not to participate in these extras, you have created a situation in which players like me, who only want to play the game, are forced to participate in these distractions or forced to quit the game and go play something else. I recently bought some stuff that included time limited items. Then the Candy Royale screen popped up, forcing me to quit my game. I lost the time I had just purchased. Y’all don’t make much money from me, maybe $5/month, but when your refusal to include an opt out costs me money, you don’t get anymore money.

    The contest used to have an opt out. In fact, over time there were different variations on opting out. You know your customers are angry and upset. You know how to include an opt out because you’ve done it before. The fact that you haven’t responded to all these complaints, which started as soon as the change appeared, most likely means you don’t care how angry we are. I was being generous to consider that perhaps your team is incompetent and unable to solve the problem, but that they were at least trying. I guess my more generous take was incorrect; your team is able to fix the problem, but refuses to.

    As far as I can tell, Community Managers deal with these forums, not programming or game design. Funny, then, that you would take personally criticisms that aren’t aimed at you.

  • T0rr1e
    T0rr1e Posts: 284

    I use to be able to press the esc key on my pc, but as of today that stopped working King can not fix simple problems but they can find ways to male you play a game you don't want to, unless of course you delete it. I think that King knows that some people will pay money for extra moves and boosters to stay in CR especially if they have to win only one or two more games to get the jackpot, and if enough people are paying real money to win a measly jackpot KING IS COMEING OUT IN FRONT. I think that they will never put the opt out or X back in especially if they are finding ways to block people who already had a way of getting out. So now we only have two options play or delete the game if you can not be bothered with the annoyance of CR.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006

    I don't think King care about feedback nor about reviews any more. So long as this feature makes a profit they will keep it. There must be enough players out there who are driven to spend money on progressing through the Candy Royale levels now that they can't opt out. It's a matter of balancing the books. There are too many naive players in the world who just don't get it that it is all a con. Anyone posting here should just quit and play a more intelligent game than what CandyCrush has become. There is no point complaining about anything any more and none of us in the community can help with any of this.

  • DimashDear
    DimashDear Posts: 1

    Level 1

    We're still waiting, and now it's got worse not better. Now I can't even use the back button to opt out. So very annoying!

  • Pathe3
    Pathe3 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited July 2023

    I SO agree, just e-mailed to complain as I am on the verge of quitting this game due to the fact I can no longer exit out or backspace from Candy Royale - It's SO annoying! The response I got bemuses me: "I understand that you would like to not play the Candy Royale event, please note that the fact that you can't close it is because the studio would like to incentivize players to play and win rewards, the way to win is to play the levels which is exactly what you do all the time. This means that you lose nothing by participating, quiet the opposite, you actually win by doing the same thing you always do. 😉"

    Clearly not at all sorted the issue - I have nothing to lose....except my patience and time!! There has to be a complaints address, I just cannot find it

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